Upside down food sonnet

Shepherds pie into oven 2:30 am

At 3 prompt is food, must be an omen.


My culinary strategy

to eat dinner at quarter past three

in the morning has paid off for me

in ways I could never foresee.


For, as well as solid nourishment,

this pie inspiration sent.

My fuel and poetry content

in casserole dish imminent.


The pen across the page does fly

while fork makes patterns in the pie.

With this piece done maybe I’ll try

to grab a quick nap on the sly.

The road less travelled

The fork in the road

The decision in life.

Each individual

but all divisible

to the common


of the fork.


You know your decision brother.

The risk of one road,

the reward of the other.

Maybe in your case

safer is better.

Risk not worth taking.

Too much danger.


Chances are it isn’t so.

Chances regretted most

being chances not taken.

To follow your heart

is the thing to do

and the road less travelled

is the road for you.


Speed demon smile

No traffic, dry road, take the bend fast.

Heart quickening, adrenaline pumping crazy.

No braking here, throttle at half mast

hard lean left dragging bike with me.


“HELL YEAH!” Just won’t stay in

the fire of passion rages so bright.

The thrill of poetry in motion

The life empowering danger delight.


Instinct tightens grip as throttle is opened

wrenched wild and fast, speed demon style.

Adrenaline junkie grabbing that which I want

enjoying my fix with my speed demon smile.

A cat called Asimov

Deep, dark predatory desire

shirks detection deep in your gaze

striking primeval chords of fear

distantly related to your prey’s.


Gently, you move on soft silky paws

peaceful, but prowling just the same

always but an instant from deadly claws

that so viciously kill and maim.

Autobiography of a face.

The mirror is a time machine,

each tiny wrinkle sending you back

over all the places you’ve ever been,

the reflection of your whole life’s track.


The tiny scar invisible to most

from the lesson learned that awful night

by the stupid kid, now memory’s ghost

needing to be taught how to not fight.


The nose, after five years in the ring,

even though they were just teenage years,

flattened somewhat by persistent punching.

‘Blood and snots’ memories bring tears.


Thirty Dublin winters on two wheels,

protective visor barely down.

I know how sandblasted pollution feels

from driving motorbikes in this town.


Orthodontal overhang and whistly breadth.

I should have been warned before the braces,

But all in all I don’t regret.

Mine is not the worst of faces.


The Exorcist

Writing poetry is exorcism

of ideas or emotions.

Whichever has the lead

is seasoned with the other

then slapped onto the page

to see which way the words splash.

What we Need

Politicians drone on about what we need

with smiling popularity contest behaviour.

We must vote for them, they convincingly plead,

we need their leader to be our saviour.


What we need isn’t a dapper smooth talker.

Maybe he wears t-shirts and sports a goatee.

We need a leader who fights for our corner

and treats us all with respect and dignity.


Who we need won’t charge us for water

or dish out contracts without a care

crushing our protests with the hounds of the law,

further swelling the coffers of one billionaire.


Who we need won’t accept business predation,

won’t accept banks charging for being poor,

will put nothing ahead of his population.

No such politician ever knocked on my door.


To those in power a little reminder.

You should remember, ‘cos we won’t forget.

What we need really is a saviour,

and what we need, we haven’t found yet!



Life or death

Crash! Natures clash.

Lifeless liquid with momentum.

Plant bullseyed with a bash.

Pushed to equilibrium.


Motionless moment.

Forces cancel briefly,

but are ever present,

battling bitterly.


If the next move isn’t death

plant life wins.

It must be…but yet!

Movement begins.


Slowly at first, but picking up pace

the moment of danger for plant will pass.

Gravity beats friction and then release!

The raindrop falls off the blade of grass.


Companion for life, loyal and true.

Devoted and diligent, entertainingly so!

He’ll centre his whole world around you

worship unashamedly on show.


Walk him often and enjoy the exercise

feed him well and treat him right.

Cherish the love in those big doggy eyes,

relish your reward in canine delight.


The best way a person can feel worthy

is if he owes his existence to you,

if without you his life wouldn’t be.

The only way to get a dog? Rescue!



The sixties, and the movie scene

When celebrities needn’t live so clean

Studios controlling all that was seen

Public never saw actors being mean


There was one legend of the big screen

for acting and action ever so  keen.

A man’s man and a woman’s dream

most credible hero ever seen.


Did every stunt in which he was seen.

Replaced ‘cos of danger he’s never been.

Even jumped over fences on a war machine

in the best motorbike stunt ever seen.


This legend whose name luckily rhymes so clean

The one and the only Steve McQueen.