Hour Three


Sunset of life, but the dawn
of a new day.
She says she is six, but she’s really
She says she’s playing dress-up with
Sister, when really
she’s getting her gown tied
up in the back.

In her mind’s eye, her world is
beautiful and bright.
Truth is… her
Room’s painted gray with
charts on the walls.
She and her neighbors, exchange
clothes in the halls.

On Monday, she’s baking cookies,
and muffins of oats.
On Tuesday, she’s teaching a classroom
of thirty.
On Wednesday, she’s traveling abroad
with her team.
On Thursday, she’s sixteen,
in a uniform brown.
On Friday, she’s fifty–speaking
on stage.
On Saturday, she’s fishing with her dad,
by the creek.
On Sunday, she’s kneeling at
the altar to pray.

And now, by His
Grace, is eternity’s day.

© 2017 Kathleen J Kidder


Hour 2


More, I want more.
The years have gone too fast
for photographs to
on a page.
Lest those dearest would see our fall,
Some, we don’t share at all.
Grieving, I want more…
the precious moments and
joyful laughs;
stories from a sage.
Time once spent with
glad remembrance.
Now, with exuberance,
those moments I retrace.
Longing, I want more.
Oh, to simply see your face;
to hear you say
those words of love
you cannot speak
from far above.
Your blood runs through my vein.
Your features, on my face, remain
Words you spoke
often crowd my head
Your hug is what I want instead.

© 2017 Kathleen J Kidder


It’s elemental my friend.
Some declare it is the end…
ah, but eternity goes on forever;
pays no mind to any weather.
Apocalyptic birth pangs again;
heavens pour down stones and rain.
Thunder roars above the plain;
lightning sparks the cleansing flame.
Nothing old remains the same;
naught but Yahweh’s holy name.
Living water from his side,
to wash away, not hide.
Blood to cover sins of man;
a sacrifice… no other can.

© 2017 Kathleen J Kidder
8/5/2017 Hour One – Half Marathon

Curtain’s Up!

Wooden boards beneath my head,
Cool sweet darkness
Hangs like a canopy over the lake
Sky full of stars share their glory
But this dance belongs to the moon.
Hour by hour I wait for the show.
Curtains up!
Watch the tango of the night sky,
La Lune et Belle, her lover draws her closer,
Hiding her shimmering frame.
Movement ever so sultry,
Gently gliding over her now
‘Til all I can see is her tiara
Sparkling in a lovers dip.
Now she’s gone, and I must go too.
Until the next amazing dance … fair thee well.

Kathleen J Kidder
August 13, 2016

12th hour prompt

At the Mission

Friday night at the “mission”
Line’s long tonight,
Someone’s supposed to sing for us after the preachin’ session.
Nothin’ clean to wear,
I smell like the rotten potatoes i couldn’t bring myself to eat.
Last week I couldn’t make it to the laundry in time
And every stinkin’ Joe on the street seemed to be in line for the showers.
Ah, the hell with it.
I’ll find a filthy sink somewhere tonight,
the station down the road turns a blind eye when I wash up in their men’s.
Too many jokers in this town,
Time to move on.

The Bravest Woman I’ve Ever Known

She was nearly a child bride,
Married on her 17th birthday, he was not quite 18.
A city girl, raised in the heart of the depression years
Learning to “make do” in every area of her life.
Brave, feisty, stunningly beautiful – her daddy’s thorn.

Two feet of snow on a February day could not deter
That old car from delivering it’s precious cargo to her
Handsome lover waiting at the church,
Tall, lean and eager, a survivor in the truest sense.
This would be the start of a life filled with challenges and angst.

Home from the war, husband now must find work –
Parenthood lay at their doorstep.
With their firstborn struggling for life at three months,
Life in the city became too difficult and a return to
Farm life, much as he hated it, was a must to survive.

Loving the country life, this young bride thrived in the
Love of sisters she never had. Brothers – not so much.
A woman of courage, with a fire in her eyes when
The world around her put she and her child in danger.
She’d do what was necessary to feed and warm them.

That determination and fire became her hallmark
As she and her somewhat wild man went on to build
A legacy and a family of six offspring.
Marriage that lasts fifty-three years isn’t always golden,
Theirs was no exception.

There is so much more to tell, but there comes another day.
My purpose on this page is merely to humbly say
I’m proud to be her daughter, and gratitude seems too little
a word to honor this, my mother.
She’s 87 now and he’s gone on ahead, but missing dad seems lesser now,
She’s my hero yet.

I love you Mom, thank you for the sacrifices you made along the way.

Dedicated to Jeanette Ryan – a woman of true grit and substance.

Unwelcome Visitor

Someone once said Tennessee is always green.
To which I replied – why what do you mean?

“I fly from place to place you see,
And from the air, Tennessee
Reminds me of dear old Ireland.”

Is it the hills and lush green grass?
I inquired, sipping tea from a tall clear glass.

“Why no,” she retorted. “It’s the sound of fiddles and singing.”
“The smell of stoves burning wood.
It’s the pastures and forests, clacking of hoofs.”
“And if that twernt’ enough, it’s the smell of the food!”

Curious now, I turned round to discover who it might be,
Could be knowing what lay below one in the air.
Expecting a pilot with wings on his hat,
There sat before me a bird that was black.

“‘Tis I,” saith the Raven,
Now I’ll quote him no more!

Who Said I Can’t

Seven decades of life experience…
Who said I can’t tell my story?
Protect the innocent some say…
From my experience there are none who truly are…

Who said I can’t tell my story?
Bring them, bring them here.
From my experience there are none who truly are…
Brave enough to call me out face to face.

Bring them, bring them here.
Were they there when I could not breathe,
Brave enough to call him out to face
The judge, in whose hands I placed our fate?

Were they there when I could not breathe,
My heart pounding with every terrifying word?
They judge, but did not know my fate,
Or what it took to stay alive.

My heart pounding with every terrifying word,
Would risk my life to save my child.
Oh, do you know what it took to stay alive?
Grace, God’s grace, will protect the redeemed one day…

He says I can tell my story!

Silver Sneakers or No Copay?

It’s that time again.
Oh that I were 30 years younger and knew then
How demoralizing health insurance would be
for baby boomers!
I’d have stashed away all my petty cash,
Now I know why they called it “petty”!
I’d have put more pockets in my bloomers,
Left room for more than tissues!
There’d be nice deep pockets for 100’s and 50’s with extra velcro!
By now my piggy-bank would rival any bull on wallstreet,
And I could negotiate and shop for the best doctors.
Oh my!
What to buy!
Medicare Advantage or a Supplement?
Advantage schmantage!
I don’t even like glitzy sneakers!
Supplement? I thought they were vitamins and
I have a drawer full.
Who knew…
So, it’s that time again…
What to do???

Water Below the Cross

Left hand supporting and reassuring, Pastor places his right hand on the head of the new Christ follower, the one desiring to be in obedience to the one who paid his debt.  Words of affirmation come forth, as Pastor prays. His charge publicly declares newfound faith, death unto himself and oneness with his Messiah through this cleansing plunge beneath the waters.  Holy Spirit infilling with power and grace.  A doctrine-battle-weary church member watches, wondering if he has been sufficiently obedient and answers his own question.

Stained glass window frames

Wooden cross above water

Holy immersion