We gather together There is no color There is no creed There is just the human seed A place of warmth and safety A place where we are never hasty The food is fresh And we all mesh There are children and mothers Sisters and brothers Old men and women And plenty of persimmon There is singing and dancing It's all Life enhancing I hope that you will join us And learn not to fuss Because Coming Together Will make our hearts lighter than a feather

Lydia Soelter
I was born in Cheyenne, Wyoming. My dad was in the Air Force, so I have been around the world as they say. I have always loved to write poetry and remember writing poems as far back as a third and fourth grader in primary school. Words dance in my mind, and I find the only way to get rid of them is to put them on paper. My hopes are to stir people with my words in some form or fashion to make them laugh, think or cry.
(prompt text 11) Funny
A slight smirk crossed his face You could tell what was to happen next The words in the room made tears come to our eyes Hands were slapping thighs We all had this silly high That mischievous grin Made us all sin A slight smirk crossed his face I am coming back to this place
(Picture Prompt 10) Will You?
(9th Image prompt)
Snow is upon the ground There is not a soul around I am stuck inside Forever wanting to hide Away from the sunlight That keeps me up at night I want to build a fire But I am flat like a tire No umph to get it done If I did, I'd have some fun But the snow is on the ground There is not a soul around
(8th hour) I Once Had a Love
I once had a love, He made me weak He made me nimble He made me feel like the loud cymbal His touch made me tremble His eyes made me shake I often wondered if I was awake Surely, he was the one for me But he left when he was twenty-four Never again to walk through a door I think of him often But when December rolls around I remember ever sight, touch, taste and sound The clothes I wore And so much more I once had a love
(7th hour picture prompt) Grandson
Everyone wishes for a grandson like you
Someone brave and strong
Someone true
About you I have never been wrong
You have always liked to jump
Even after getting scolded on the rump
Life is to live, laugh and play
I know you will carry that till your dying day
6th – Letter from the past
Hello my old friend
It has been forty years
Man that will bring you to tears
How long has it been since we talked
Or even long, together walked
I miss you
Our friendship was true
How has life, you, treated?
Are you seated?
I am sorry I stopped writing
Mom and dad were fighting
And I ran away
I have just come to my senses today
Remember where we used to play after school
And how we thought we were so cool
I hope to hear back from you
Because our friendship was true
(Text prompt 5th)
My wine glass sits
On a pavement hot
As the sunflower grows tall
I bite my nail
As I sit in a place
Where I see a shaded Oak
But I cannot leave where I am at
For my cheddar cheese sandwich
Has me wishing to be knitting
As a fragrant satchel
Hangs down my hardback
(4th Picture prompt) Time
As you played the Chello
My heart said hello
At first you made me cry
I thought I was going to die
And then you picked me up and I could fly
I did not realize I could be so high
And as you played the Chello
My heart said hello