I belong to you

As stars belong to night
I belong to you
As colors belong to the rainbow
I belong to you
I once heard that
The earth belonged to the sky
If that is ever true
Just like the earth, I belong to you

With Him

As we sat in front of each other
Our eyes stuck on each other
I could feel the warmth of fire
The way our hands touched each other
His cool breath came as a wind
When we hugged, and I flew like a leaf
As earth he supported me
Even when my feet were not on the ground
And I was held high in his arms
As a twig in the river, I went with the flow
Holding his hand, and now I dont want to stop.

Last heartbeat

Lying on the bed of the hospital
When her heart was beating for the last time
She saw everyone she loved beside her
A mother trying hard to control her river of tears
A father being strong as he was
But his eyes said he was lying
A sister who always fought with her over tiny things
Was now fighting for some more time just to be with her
And the love of her life
Doing all that he could
By just trying to love her as much as he can
Lying on the bed of the hospital
She realised she got a tiny life in her hands
When life was about to leave her soon

Always there

I may have never seen you
But you are always there in my heart
I may have never felt your touch
But i always sense you with me
I may have never told you my stories
But you always guided me in my problems
I may have never told anyone
But i do miss you a lot grandpa

The thought of losing you

The thought of not able to see you
Causes me angst
The thought of not able to hold your hand
Causes me angst
The thought of not waking up to you next to me
Causes me angst
The thought of losing the memories we shared
Causes me angst
The thought of losing myself a bit everytime i am not with you
Causes me angst
The mere thought of losing you
Causes me angst


The first drop of rain that kisses the ground is love
The first ray of sun that shines after the storm is love
When a flower starts blossoming from a bud, that is love
When a comes searching for a flower, thst is love
The sweet scent of soil after the first shower of rain is love
The stars twinkling in the night just to be with the moon, is love
Surrendering oneself to someone precious is love
Even after surrendering ourselves to someone
The feeling of being attached to them and yet being free
That is what is said to be love


For a second lets go offline
And observe the slight wrinkle on our granny’s face for awarded growing another year older
For a second lets go offline
And observe the anexiety on our dad’s face who want his children to be safe
For a second lets go offline
And see the panic on our mothers face who dont want us to go away from her
For a second lets go offline
And see the four pawed love of our lives wagging his tale as he sees us
For just a second lets go offline

When she was alone

When she was in pain
No one understood
When she cried to her sleep
No one was there to console
When she cursed herself
No one held her hand
When she needed friends
No one stood beside her
When she needed support
She didn’t even get that love
Then she rose like a phoenix
Everyone said she didn’t belong to their league.

A million miles away

A million things to tell you
A million wishes inside me
A million dreams to be fulfilled
A million emotions to be understood
A million glances to be shared
A million miles to be covered
As the strings of our hearts are connected
But i forgot we are still miles away from each other

The end (I wonder)

I wonder if its the end
As i clearly remember the first time we met
The first hug, the first kiss, the first dance
Still gives me butterflies in my stomach
The first time i saw you, the first touch of our hands, the first glance into each others souls,
Still give me goosebumps
I wonder if its the end
As the memories of us are still fresh as daisies
I wonder if its the end
As you may be far from my eyes but not my heart
I wonder if its the end
As i havent given up yet.