Lost, found

Neighborhood wallpapered
light poles
bus stop shelters
shop doors

‘Lost cat’
every week, every day
new signs, different cats

Neighborhood social media
exacerbates frenzy
hysterical ‘owners’
angsty postings, pleadings

‘Lost cat’
every week, every day
new signs, different cats

The cats all come home
lost, now found

Seems there is a wise
Basset Hound
around the corner who
knows Zen
has a side gig
selling catnip
out of his human’s
old Buick

– Mark L. Lucker
© 2019

Looking at my garden, mid-June

Horticulturally lame
my garden, half-way through June
who knows how far into Midwestern
growing season

Weeds have a foothold
but we have managed to keep the bulk of
the interloping bastards at bay

One pumpkin plant with
two massive, yellow blossoms
each bigger than the plant itself
my subtle goal of two carvable in
October cultivar spheroids
one for my grandson, one for me
remains shakily on track

Pepper plants getting there
as are some varietal tomatoes
my wife and son planned their
first salsa garden
a bowl or two remains feasible

Ahh, tomatoes!
Umami, oh baby!

A phrase in current lexicon has me
scratching my head at mugs, shirts:
‘haters gonna hate,
potatoes gonna potate’

I question the organizational skills
of our tomatoes, trying to tomate

One plant, in just the past two days
has produced one, two, three…
nine green tomatoes, varying size
and already straining the plant which has
yet to reach my knee in height

Our cilantro so far cilant-no, the basil…?
my ever-blossoming optimisim says
there is still time for the thyme while
our bought-at-a-who-wants-em discount
brussel sprouts do Belgium proud

A rogue carrot is thriving

refuge from last summer via
the previous owners of this house
the past cultivators
of this charmingly uneven plot of
au natural urban agriculture

untouched, allegedly for
many years by chemical compounds
artificially truncating the unwanted
cajoling what is welcome to
come, stay

We are fortunate
that subsistence is not reliant on our
agricultural abilities

Though we could
in a fevered, pioneer pinch rely on
a fence line of wildly flourishing
rhubarb – ubiquitous, still replicating
already having provided
two batches of sauce, one pie

Ahh, but man does not live
by pie alone

Fortuitously my neighborhood has a
charming farmers market, a
grocery store with nice produce
and neighbors who,
in their Midwestern politeness
have not yet commented
on how my tomatoes tomate.

– Mark L. Lucker
© 2019

Prestidigitation age

In the old
Rocky & Bullwinkle cartoons
Bullwinkle the Moose
portraying a magician
continually tries to impress
Rocky the Squirrel
by pulling a rabbit out of a hat

But the rabbit is never a rabbit

Ever proclaiming “Wrong hat!”
at the results
Bullwinkle reaches into his
table-bound, inverted top hat
pulling out
snarling lion
growling bear
snapping alligator or
roaring tiger
before calmly stuffing not-rabbit
back down into the hat

“Duhhh…wrong hat!”

is my tranquil rallying cry
in response to situations profound
and absurd
when my self-professed, usually
accurate charms fail me

Adopting the eminently cool
ever-confident, I-got-this! persona
of a cartoon moose has always
served me well

though I am at a stage now in life
where fewer people know who
Rocky and Bullwinkle are
but fewer still question why it is
I always bring
but never wear
a weathered top hat.

– Mark L. Lucker
© 2019

I am…?

“I yam what I yam.”
– Popeye the Sailor Man, 1929

“I am I, Don Quixote!” once
proclaimed the brave knight
to emulate him I have long strove
sans mule, though never lacking a
suitable Sancho Ponza
I have discombobulated windmills
slain foes with honor, with words

Handy with tongue lance, I am.

“I am I, Don Quixote” in dreams
I speak these words
to no one in particular
to everyone I am trying to prove
myself that I am I, me

It is not a boastful infringement
on G-d’s copyright
proclaiming – I am not – to being
‘a’ or ‘the’ great anything

I am I

dreamer, poet, chaser of parable
wearing dented armor
weathered patina of a life
lived with purpose, I suppose as
resolve frequently gave way
to happenstance-cum-opportunity

I am I, Don Quixote incarnate
in sprit, in thought
not always, I know, in deed

I am I, noble knight errant of now
I am I, who has hired, retired
many a Sancho Panza
those who always kept mules fed
lances sharp
my ego in check

I am I though not Don Quixote

I am I
husband, parent, grandparent
friend, comrade, teacher

Doer of deeds, liver of life

I am I, not Don Quixote though maybe
just once, I would like to don
the great one’s helmet, make
one final, heroic windmill charge


– Mark L. Lucker
© 2019


I am watching the rain
falling, in torrents
cascading off my roof
ala Niagara Falls
the images are overlays
the same, yet
incredibly dissimilar,

as are the sounds
water crashing off roof
to the soggy ground
the rain itself, pelting
glass, the walls, the roof
thunder roils the tableau

and I enjoy the pitch-
perfect harmonies of
an early morning rainstorm.

– Mark L. Lucker
© 2017

All three

There are times – frequent –
even after three decades, more
where you wonder what they
would say, how they would react
to a given moment, my situation

sit-downs full of wisdom never
the style of any of them
they lived life, in an honest,
straightforward way, taking pains
to assure that I did as well

An only child, I was the focus
the one who learned how to
fish, saw, chop, hammer, build,
play cards, bowl, love baseball.

Love life, give it your best. Live.

Every once in a while, I still hear a
voice; dad, Gramps, grandpa Ivar
mixing and matching each to the
situation at hand, the moment

Long since passed from the scene
I can always rely on what they left me;
for safekeeping, and to draw on;
a whole lot of themselves


– Mark L. Lucker
© 2017

Not in the least

Claims made by
guys on a prom date

can be taken
at their word

if the words are
supported by three

backed up by video
duly notarized

where prohibited
or English is spoken
and understood

words to the wise from
folks in the know

– Mark L. Lucker
© 2017

Un Natural

Visiting a city you once knew
can be daunting
the familiar still nearly so
but so much has changed
the wild edges of town
we traversed as kids, tamed
the only thing wild is the
buffalo wing restaurant

Tall grasses near the reservoir
man-made lake with all
the natural kind offered a boy
frogs, fishing, a chance to swim
now neatly manicured
orderly in its faux naturalism

Our bike rides there would take
nearly an hour; little more
than wooded patches, vacant lots
between there and our homes

Now there are bike trails
part of a system geared toward
commuters more than young boys
seeking to explore, learn, ride
now families have places to picnic
tables, benches, neatly trimmed
grass, fancy playgrounds

Efforts at ‘preserving’ nature
seem even more hollow a gesture
when the bright green of the grass
shiny black of the asphalt
have taken over the color palette
Nature has become a
home improvement store
paint department –  natural colors
given way to vibrancy,  neon

In the store, at the lake
give me earth tones, baby

– Mark L. Lucker
© 2017


When I was a kid
space was cool
the 60’s found us
amidst a
‘space race’
which we won,
landing on the moon
the summer I was ten

A few short years later
we were spaced out
taking trips of
cosmic variety
without ever leaving
our paneled, basement
rec rooms

adulthood and its
had us all
needing some space
so we looked,
trying to find some

now middle age
has come, gone –
I think
you were
saying something –

I guess I just
spaced it out

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