#24- Sunshine

Sunshine yellow, bright smiles

Under the warmth of the perfect blue sky

Never a dull day, never black or grey

She was a pocket full of happiness

Humming to herself, a skip in her step

If you saw her, you would smile too

No chance you would ever see her frown

Ever bright, with a beautiful smile; Sunshine


#22- Journey

Car drives, Oh so long

Across bridges, through tunnels

The journey goes on

And many more miles to drive

To where the earth meets the sky


This verse is called a Tanka and is similar to a haiku. The first and third lines have 5 syllables while the other three lines have 7 syllables each.

#21- The Sp-EGG-tacular Dozen

The baker was eggs-pecting a delivery

A dozen brown eggs, the sp-egg-tacular dozen

The baker sells some eggs-quisite cakes

And some egg-ceptional banana bread

These are quite the treat, I must add

And earlier this week

The baker promised me something eggs-tra special!

Some egg-cellent baby quiches

I can’t imagine the work he must do

His days filled with busy baking

He must be eggs-hausted

When it comes down to the end of the week

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