#12- Countdown

Loud music bouncing off the walls

Happiness radiating from each person

Contagious laughter and genuine smiles

Everyone she loved gathered in a room

As she stood on the sidelines and watched

Her smile only grew wider

Her face lighting up with glee

The sun had long set

But the party hadn’t died down yet

‘Ten minutes to twelve’ someone announced

She pushed herself off the wall

Weaving through the crowd

Eyes scanning the room for the one she wanted to find

’10, 9, 8’, the countdown began

She spun around in circles, desperate

‘7, 6, 5’, Where could they be?

‘4, 3, 2’, Arms enveloped her in their sweet embrace

‘Happy New Year’ whispered softly in her ear

#10- Clock

Constantly on the move, never takes a break

Loud ticking, always keeps you awake

Over and over

Clock needles go round

Keep to time, at least for the clock’s sake


This poem is an acrostic disguised as a limerick!

#7- Home

The sky is always alive here

It seems to have a mind of its own

Shining a halo of light down

As though the heavens glorify (more…)

#6- Remember

Dearest friend

I hope you’re doing well

It’s been a minute since we met

I hope my name still rings a bell


I hope your favourite food is still chocolate

And that you never stopped reading under the dim lamplight

I hope you still sing and dance

I’m assuming you still believe you’re always right


I’m sorry we lost touch

And I suddenly moved away

But I still remember every time we met

And all the games we used to play


Maybe you wear your hair different now

And you’ve met people so new

Maybe you don’t remember me

Like I remember you


But I’ll see you someday

I’m sure it isn’t the end

But until then

Treasure the letters I send

#5- Under the Willow

My satchel filled to the brim

With hardbacks heavy and stories joyful and grim


The field of sunflowers yellow

And in the distance, a weeping willow
