
Born of fires

Child of earthen wombs.

The much married


She married five men.

Yet she stood alone.

Blood for her tresses.

Passion her throne.

She still fends for herself.

Beseeching only the divine.

The lipstick under her burkha

She still claims her rights

I am mine.


The five manned woman

She is a goddess

Of fires and earthen wombs.


Its an emotional embarrasment
To have pickled children
Drying beside jars if tomatoes
But you see
It has to be done
When you have peculated
Every damsel in the neighbourhood
The old gentleman with the tope
On a rainy day
He wears his raincoat inside out
To keep the frogs at bay.
His elbow steams with
Jasmine fragrance
His boots smell of food.
Its a mystery where he comes from.
The pickled children
Crying boo.


One fine day
Distances drop away
Dream of a place
And you get to go there for a day

No more airfare
No more roadrage scare
No more staying away
No more yearning to be there.

Being together
Would’nt be so rare
All you do is breathe your love
And there are you are
In bed.

One fine day
The distance drops away
Would be such a nuisance
Everyone everywhere

Still one fine day
If the distance drops away
The world could be one
No visas no governments.


Step in step
Skip n jump
Watch me flow
To the flow of you
Smiling away
For the love of you
Flying my soul
To the breath of you
Sunshine pouring down my eyes
Eternity lost you hold me on
Stay with me
Be mine all.


Making more noise than allowed
Monsoon rains holding court
Adamant sparrows
Cawing wet
Screeching away the morn
Drowsing soils
Drenching souls
Washing nights to a dawn
Driving heat for day long ventures
Petrichor long dissolved
Dribbling down the rains
Raining drizzling drowning again
Wasting leaves to the ground
Puddling up cuddling through
Sunday morrows
Clearing blues
Stay in bed
Skipping walks
More life today
Better tomorrow
Dreaming still
Early dews
Taking easy
Show no news
Wafting smells
Earth bathed
Pearls on grass
Blooming glades
Croaking toads
Creeking woods
Gloomy roses
The petals lost
Move over summer
Rainy is here.


Red and a deep ochre yellow
Merge away into sunshine
Bright dark deep
All together
Filtering into a cool darkness
Refusing to stay without
Following everywhere
Sunshine and all
Stepping over everything
Tripping over corners
Spilling over embraces
Spreading over tables
Moving over crevices
Settling over quietly.
Red and a deep ochre yellow
Merge into sunshine.


How you must have suffered getting accustomed to me
_ pablo neruda.

Sometimes I wonder how
Was it me or was it all you
You did’nt have to still you must
Whatever you wanted you had to have
Love stood silent ignominy suffered
Wanting needing ignored ,just getting
Bit by bit the soul accustomed
Recieving nothing giving all to
Was it all you or was there some me.


Spidey in my closet
Where else can he be
Crawling into spaces
Creepy feeling creat
Whack him off the windowsil
That should do him good
Closets are for secrets
For spidey
Theres a corner
Sit there
Stare out
Weave your webs
Eight legs tangled
Wheres your head
Closet spidey
Whacked out
I just hope he’s not dead.

Inside out

Inside out
How shall that be
Like wearing all your organs
On the sleeve
Or putting all your pots and pans
On the street

Inside out
Slice it open neatly
In one swift stroke
Turn it out and wear again
This bloody coat

Watch all your innards
Pulsating throbbing
Moving in sync
Tangled up in blood nd gore

Your inside is so busy
Keeping you alive
And all you did uptill now
Was keep the outside white.

Give your insides a thought
Some tender loving care.
Dont just save your skin
Give your guts and brain a chance.
Every nerve and every cell
Is the genuine you.
Keep yourself
Inside out
And always be true.
_ narinder.


Am i genuine
Quick answer me that one
Am i
What does that mean
Being genuine.
Real Authentic True
To being me
Originality Individuality
Being genuine
Listening to my heart my soul my gut
Doing what pleases satisfies satiates.

When I feel a smile
In the middle of me
Soft Light
Flowing in and out of the act.

Am I genuine
Yes I am
Now I am
True to a self I belong to.
Genuine to a self I reached to.
Honest Happy Comfortable.
Accepted Accepting Acceptable

I am genuine
This is me
At last I am
The true genuine myself.