Thank you

Dont say thank you

You and me together

We are not a favor

We are a flavor

Dont say thank you

Say love you

When i hold your hand

To cross the road

Or pass the salt

Or pay your bills

Or cook a meal

Drive you to work

Or that special togetherness

Just say

Love you. Always


Sinuous sensuous

the lusty lass

she aroused in him

a beast he had long thought

he had killed.

Not her fault

she was just standing in the doorway

. Not his fault he was just lying

supine in bed

. Unclad both.

Royal beasts

. Of lust.

Pouncing. Prancing

. Playing the game of sex.

Beast to beast.

Animal to animal.

Lust to lust.

Primeval dance

of man and woman.


Dont worry

It wasnt your fault

You were just the first

In the generalsation of my life

There were many after you

But you inaugurated the slaughter house

You were as innocent as me

Silly little kids

Why didn’t you share your eraser with me

In nursery class

You broke my heart

You know



Why the dewdrops now

Now that its nearly done

Now that its almost said

I did it

I am doing it

I will do the rest

I said and i saw

I made the changes too

The night wept a little

The petals caught the dewdrops

The sun kissed them away

Its dawn again

A new dawn

On another new me

Shining bright

Then why the dewdrops now

Why the tears now.


The first sonographic thump

To the last straight line

The little flutterings when mother left me at school

The one i missed when you smiled at me

The song and dance when you see me passing by

The marathon after a dance

The thundering when you take me in your arms

The pain of when i miss you

The smooth flow when i sit in silence

The silence when i see death

O dear heart

Are you sure your function is pumping blood to the body.

Nature poems

I sit in my room penning nature poems

The morning sun filtering through the chintz curtains

Oh the walk around the park

With my dog on a leash

The counted minutes on the manicured lawns

Its hot,kind of humid

The AC will take care of that

Then i can sit on my oakwood bed

To reminiscence over my last visit

To the luxury resort

The beautiful pines

The far off clouds

The guided trek

Nature is so beautiful

So bountiful

Says the gorgeous bird-o-paradise bouquet on my mantle piece

I recieved at the environmental association last night.

If i escape

My life

Will someone

Miss me

Call me back

Panic at my absence

Will they notice

The void

Of my presence

That was

Do i dare


Making myself unavailable

What if they


I am dispensable

They can make do without me

Will someone

Drop his ego

Say he loves me

Say he needs me

Take me back home

Do i dare take a leap

And see if


Will jump in after me

What if they do

What if they don’t


The moon prompt is here.

My favorite of all

The blood moons and half moons

The cloud moons and no moons

I have howled on them all.

Reflected on lakes

Shining through my canopy

Singing the glory of the sun

The blood moon is my moon

Glowering with spare sunlight

The blood splattered from my breastbone.


What are all these channels

You open up in me

An encounter with you

And its like those cleansed auras they talked about

Everything lot more clearer

More permeable

Reaching a rare level of



Everything acutely felt

Accurately expressed

Do you realise

The results

Of your


Your presence settles

On the tired shoulders of my being

Like a warm mantle of


Hugging me close

Holding me upright

Your warm presence

Encircling me

Walking by my side

Keeping me close

Your presence

Is so precious



The edges and the corners

That is where i find you

Edges and corners

The ends of my being

Here you choose tobe

I am no more here

Beyond this is air

But of a

But all of my existence is here

On the edge and the corners of
