Hour 6: May I Have This Dance?

Stately Waltz

Lively Polka

Respectable Fox Trot

Tantalizing Tango

Samba, Swing

Jitterbug, Charleston

Graceful Ballet

Do a little two step

Moon walk across the floor

Breakdance, Flashdance

Twist the night away

Boot Scoot

Soft Shoe


Trip the light Fandango

Cha-cha, Slide, Shuffle

Bump and Grind

Let the music move you

Put your hand in mine

May I have this dance?

Hour 5: Chest

Roosevelt dimes

Wheat pennies

One gold piece from the Four Queens

Chanel #5 scented letters never sent

A 22-short bullet from an unknown pistol

Faded photographs of fake smiles

Postcards across land and time

Bright costume jewelry


Lipstick and rogue

Love, loss, hope, regret

Packed away in Grandma’s chest

Hour 4: Invisibility

How much strength does it take to become invisible?

To blend into tacky wallpaper and stale conversation?

To be consumed by the deafening silence that seeps into every molecule, every atom, the very nucleus of your existence?

How much energy does it take to scream into a crowded room where no one looks up or bats an eye?

I saw Chicago and Mr. Cellophane became my anthem

I wrapped myself in Reynold’s wrap until I suffocated my own voice

How much force do you need to generate to have someone walk right through you?

You see, to me ghosts are merely memories, stuck on replay

Over and over and over

Trying to get it right

To walk through me makes me a ghost

Am I a memory? Am I stuck on repeat?

How hard do you need to push a needle to unskip a record?

I don’t like the soundtrack of my life

Fast forward-fast forward-fast forward

Until it is all a blur

Until I am invisible

Until I am closed into your mind like a whisper, a dream that my have been a memory but now you’ve forgotten

Whether I am dream or reality

Don’t worry, I have the same problem all the time

Hour 3: Blackbird (Inspired by The Beatles song)

Blackbird, dark, ancient muse

Singing the song my soul has forgotten

In the still twilight

The graves of the things I’ve buried away

Dead things I’ve hidden away

Of these you sing, my faithful friend

Night-mares turned to lullabies

Take these melodies of misery

These hymns of hurt

Broken pieces in 3/4 time

Wings clipped to haunting arias

And mend them all

Learn to sing a new song

To make me whole so I may

Fly away with you

Hour 2: The Joy of Unseen Things

Love, that swells the heart to the point of bursting,  yet never breaks,  only fills

Trust,  both given and received,  knowing a person’s heart as closely as your own

Hope, that radiates intentions of a better tomorrow,  that the next generation will do better than the last

Faith,  that something exists beyond this realm,  we are not alone

Peace,  balance,  wholeness,  everything is as it should be

Hour One: Something Ending

How foolish I have been to have charged blindly into the fray

A world too cruel,  too sharp for innocent girls’ eyes

Stumbling through things not meant for me

Fleeing a place I no longer wished to be


How has this world twisted me,  bent me,  made me what it wished me to be

Pulled and turned,  leaving nothing but a dangling fray

Wishing I did not have these eyes

Wanting to be blind to what they’ve done to me


How is it possible that I no longer know how to be me?

Wanting to please,  just be who I’m supposed to be

I’ve acted the part so long my soul is only that fray

I’ve adjusted my sight to the illusion,  mirages before my eyes


I still look back on that day when I rushed away with tears in my eyes

I wonder how I could’ve let this happen to me

When there is so much more I could be

As I rebraid the fray


Hello everyone,

Just a quick note to introduce myself.  I am a Waldorf teacher from Wisconsin,  USA. As a Waldorf teacher,  I loop with my class first through eighth grade,  which makes my class more of a family really.  We are currently heading into seventh grade,  the time has gone by so fast! It will be hard to let them go after eight years!

I am the mother to five wretched daughters that are strong,  independent,  and being the best women they can be! I am currently awaiting the birth of my tenth grandchild,  a girl,  which will make the count 5 girls and 5 boys.

I live with my partner David.  We were middle school sweethearts who found our way back to each other over 20 years later and have been together 9 years now!

I love to write! I always have! The blank page is an adventure for me and we have gone many places together! This is my second marathon,  the first being around six years ago.  I’m excited for today and blessings to everyone!
