5… Cascade (a tanka)

Counting breaths like waves

Crashing lips over my dunes

A fluttered memory,

Full moons like our hips breaking

seaside to our ecstasy.

4.5… Splash

The children are laughing in the backyard as they splash with the hose.
The chickens scatter, but it only reminds me of the seeds we’ve burned
scattered like my thoughts
like our fears
like fuck you.

The children are laughing in the backyard as they race the sunlight naked in their joy
I hear their laughter and it sounds too much like screams.
They don’t understand what we’ve lost.  They don’t understand why Mother’s fear is a scent on the wind.
They delight in the hose, water play, and delights

without knowing how violent the world has become.

3… Roe. A sonnet.

There was a brief and hopeful light within the darkness

where sun and flower kiss to paint the skies

and endless miles would stretch untouched by violence

Where daughter’s hand was safer in the wake

But Dawn, she races eastern to the fight

Our battle for the freedom to exist

In solidarity with our human right

To keep our flesh from subjugated fists

To right-wing men who think we are but chattel

Unspoken to the nuance of our flesh

They bray and spit their foaming mouths as cattle

Abusing all the women they enmesh

Our voices are as on in this refrain

May your worthless lives be filed with naught but pain.

2… Analog poem. photo incoming.

Internet failed and my photo didn’t load.

I will correct this injustice when I retain home.

Here’s hoping my poetry still counts.

Poem handwritten in black ink with cursive writing on an iPad Notes app page.

Handwrit poem reads:

2… Analog Poem: A handwrit Tanka on my iPad

Each poem struggling
lost within my failed iPhone.
I choose to return
to handwritten pieces-
paperless poetry.