Made over

Make me over.

Self-confident brings morals and values.

The foundation of strength, togetherness, and love.

You give to others.

Readiness you’ll receive.

From above.

Prompts for hours #24 Real: Reality

Pretty by the water fountain.

The sun is out.

Shinning on in my livingroom glass window.

The moment of joy.

When joy comes in the morning.

Just when you can nurture your growing greenish plants and all.

With no excuses.

Reality causes and reasoning.

To water them as needed.

And to keep them alive.

Right when the prayer service is on,

and a good gospel song is playing to relax your mind mindfulness.

All the better help with the father Jehovah.

Wanting to keep on serving him periodically.

For his glory.

Cause he’s alright with me,

and I hope that you feel the same way also.






That will keep us together.

Where the love of my life.

Will be,

Purified in me.

Restoring the broken heart with gladness.

Where I will not have to share a tear no more.

He’s my reality.








Prompts hours two: Island

Island on a bay

In long Island Florida

Sandy beach we stand

Restaurant’s and clubs to go to and from.

Laid  back corners

And in seats

To dance on floor like two love birds

All night long

#4 prompts hour

Nectar peach rose

Turn another color

In the sun

The neopbyle of the mornings.

Comfort us in the darkest hours,

A piece of God’s heart,

Looking upon the earth.

Ray’s of Orange hue,

Sparkles our life’s views,

Pure golden light,

Burns with God’s might.

Eastern part of the universe,

Giving strength to us all,

Glowing with the father’s blessings.

A place sitting in the sun

Planted rooted in God’s urn,

Where peace comes in.

Shame, shame, shame.

Beautiful Lavender Rose

The pretty mimi Rose

that grows adorable

Sits on each desks

Mind mindful scents anew

The Palace Homestead estate

She’s the caregiver

They touches the floor

Brings hearts to hearts

Very, verily

Public speeches

Private VIPS lnvitations

365 days of Devotions

They sits veil veneer on stages dancing

Him and her

To lighten up the story

Thank you,

With a hand shake






To carry on

And in victory

Lavender bulbs

Of Rose’s

He gives

Plenty of

Second Chances In Life

She, I made it on through.

Trees alive standing there.

A branch from the tree of life.

Clay made so.

Brain, skin, and bones.

Vessels, muscles, fluid

Tissues he wipes the eyes, and serves.

Kindness of Awareness.

Brings public attention.

No more sorrows or pains.


To hope for a new beginning.

She, I hold onto the lord desperately.

Keeps us both narrow the straighter the road.

Heart to hearts.

Humble, and persistency.


Cover shoulders to shoulders.



She’ll and I’ll keep him first, chances we get.

They all will know.

Just how good he is to us.

She I will except, and it will

Shape up our life’s.

With wings to fly, and on our way.

To be not afraid,

And for he is with us.


Second chance in life.

Common truth.

Divine love,

With brown colorful eyes.

Our first and last love.


The Evangelist who guides you there.

Made us to see,

And of his ways.

Righteousness right stuff.

To mend on in.

The blue sky and white clouds to see again,

And again.

Its real reality.

The sky is the limit, they told us.

Just when we were,

A little girl.

Second chances.

To fight.


In life.





Tundra Rover turned corner and made its way.


Like a mirage up our main street, or people stopping to shield their eyes from the sunlight glinting off its perfectly washed windows.

The audience would know instantly nestled inside that air-conditioned car seat, and with someone bigger than our small town Rover.

Early on it was not a movie.

Thats why our life.

And I shall be much more ties before hands.

The shift changed.

People like David, though, made our moments to feel like a movie.

So David, apostle for Jesus.

Makes sure that our life becomes.


Days and nights.

Both hands in, and on touches clenching arms as we cleared ever food dish on table tops.

Of Little Eats, our friends, and family’s.

Cafe on the main street.


Down Town Little.





O’ Tousle

The same tousle burnt-sugar hairs

The symmetrical face, the same pair of shoes

Wide shoulders,the slouchy look of his mouth  that always seems to say yeah,

This is how he looks when he wakes up.

Dizzy and all.

The lasting time he’ll drink a glass of wine

Sobling with tears from his eyes no more.

We shock our heads. O’ Its gonna be gone in  minutes that I sing this song—” but before

He could finished, the drink

He felt to the ground.

Lost thy self in the song.

No way that we can or will scoop it all up again

The song I sing will be prolonging tears

That falls from my eyes

Leaving it for only his righteousness right hand to wash

And when he breath upon her.

The sun breeze.

Dries the eyes.

For another,





Over again

Africa Ebony


as a Qneen Egypt girl

One of the land mark


Just for she descended on up.

She’s the founder of Ptolemy l soter.

The Alexander the Great

A sista who been wedded

She has several children

Her siblings she kindly loved

How great she was

Awareness of her bias awesome

When they stumbled across it


The Pharaoh.

As a true faithful woman

Family and friends respected her

Right than and there

Before her last days

Memories of sorrows

Dedicated with Roses


A Rome pretty lady in this historic times

In a Country

To live a good life journal


Came to an end.


Pity on her soul.

The lover she had

The family she carried for

With this in place

A patriarch scholar

Ties togetherness

Filling up the eulogy


Like roni noodles on down,

And with her favorite kin

To so ever live a one time

Comfort lifestyle

48 B.C’s

The Homecoming



A Ebony Child

Days longer and in

Roman, Greek.


Rested Place



When you hear the vowels of words

When you hear the vowels of words

You sound them out

When you say each one

How do they make you feel?

Good or bad

Pronouncing them out loud






When you know that you’ve done it,

With the one who loves you

When your thoughts are just enough