
The bait is hooked on
The line is swung
with a gentle flip
out into the river.

Now we wait
and dream
and reminisce
and smile.
Happy, forlorn, grateful.

A Wish

Come on, be honest
It’s not a good morning
You over there
Thousands of miles away
And me over here
Wishing I was there

The soft moonlight in my world
Just hovering outside my window
Understanding my longing
Lingering a while longer
Comforting my sorrow

There, in your world
The sun is coming out
Declaring aloud another
Sun shiny day
You wish me good morning but
How I wish we could say
Good night and
Cuddle up together

Home Again

Let me out! Let me out!
I closed my eyes tight
I can’t breathe, I can’t breathe
I kick and I struggle
I’m sinking, I’m sinking
“Hush little one, just let it go”
I stop for a second
I open my eyes
The blue coral twinkles at me
The shy clam rushes its head in
The seahorse floats on by
I reach out and
feel the butterfly fish with my nose
“Enjoy the moment little one”
I swim around for a while
I see blurry images
of bigger fishes and creatures
whose names I do not know
I eye them suspiciously then
I stretch out like a starfish
I curl up like a blow-fish
I glide along like an eel
The bigger fishes stare at me
I smile at them but
They quickly turn away
I touch my body
Oh my, it’s silky smooth
I don’t have hands
They’re flippers
I don’t have legs
It’s a big fat tail
I do a back flip and
I laugh
I can do a back flip!
“Oh little one, Welcome Home!”


all about me, me, me.

Poet at heart,

Poetry makes me come alive,

Poems are like food that sustain my soul,

I write ‘coz if I don’t,

I’ll perish like seeds without sustenance,

I write, I must.

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