Mocking Jay


I am who I am and I

can’t feel or show fear.

It’s hard, but I must be

a model for the others.


They tried to destroy me,

but the hunger games never

defeated me. On the contrary,

I became much stronger!


The games are over now

and I can live my life, I can

focus on my love for my husband

and for my adorable children!

The games defined my character

and now I am free to love and to live!



A myth’s impact


Zeus himself came to earth

to conceive him with a mortal

and Hera hated her husband

for doing so, but the child was born

and he was named Hercules.


He had the power of gods,

but the heart of a man.

His labours are well-known

and nobody was braver.


I think that Venus also

offered him much beauty,

as in movies he is handsome,

not only strong and determined!



Secret encounter


How many frog elbows do I have to kiss

in the evening so that I finally

find my prince in broad daylight?


I put on my raincoat and go to

the lake to find out the answer.

But what a surprise to find you there!


Who are you? It does not matter,

our readers will never discover

because it must remain a mystery!




No money law


What if we had no costs?

Indeed, what if money disappeared?

Wouldn’t we be happier?

Wouldn’t we have less obstacles?


What if presents costed nothing and

if we could offer them all the time

without paying a thing?

Wouldn’t it be just great?



Summer heat


Will you come under my umbrella

to fight against summer heat together?

Please tell me that you accept and maybe

this will be the start of a new relationship.


Maybe the result will be a beautiful friendship

or maybe we will be struck by love, who knows?

Come closer to discover what kind of bond will unite us.

Let’s take chances and try to be happy! Why not?



I feel alive!


I feel alive and colourful!

So alive when listening

to what you send me!

Awesome piece

the one I just got!

And a new one too.

I never listened to

this piece and I found

it so full of joy and hope!

It’s so happy, that one

would say that it was

composed after a war

to celebrate peace

and life itself!

And how gleeful

to see the sea behind,

to hear the waves mumble

and to feel that life is colourful

and so full of spiritual gifts!

Viva la musica!!!






Red, much red in the green forest.

It wasn’t a painter’s watercolour, it was

fire, real fire devouring nature.


Animals were fleeing,

trees were crying for help

and birds sang their last song.


But humans finally appeared

and the red was dispelled.

And so, the fresh green was saved!


Spider web


A proud spider weaves his web

and sits at the centre when it’s finished.

Nobody could convince him to give up his web,

only the storm or a powerful wind can.


But while his web lasts,

he traps all insect inside.

His dangerous web can be

destroyed only by nature.

But until then, insects are its snack.




Wondering about tomorrow?

What about today?

Let’s worry more for

the present, not the future!


The present can be or become

a blessed present, it depends on

us what we do or don’t.

How to build a better future?



Reflecting on human nature


Burning questions,

vague answers,

why is everything

so complicated?


What should we do

to appease pain?

in us and in others too!

Or are we doomed to be selfish?