2: Hart Crane

Shell-trash and gull-clutter
along the dirty curve
of Revere Beach.
A rough-tongued winter.
The Atlantic churns
its mass of liquid slate
with cold relentlessness.

The sixteen-year-old poet
carries a paperback book
at least twice his age.
A yellowing Oscar
Williams anthology.

He reads the words
of the self-drowned psalmist
of tropic voyages,
Marlovian hymnographer
of azure deeps and steeps.

The sea claimed you,
Hart Crane, as you
claimed the sea, scribe
of brined bones,
of doom and spume,
the merciless ocean’s
“bent foam and wave”
swallowing your song.

1: Aubade

Cross grass
bruised brown by August

beneath sky
pearled with rain’s

freshens with sparrowchant
livens with leafbreeze

heaven silvers slightly
behind her cloudcurtain

and the workworld
wakes and walks
through weal and woe
through noise and news
through blight and blessing

Wilkommen, bienvenue, welcome

Hello all, Thomas from Boston & vicinity. Poet, curmudgeon, and sluggard. Quickly aging here. Vintage item from the 1960s. Huge fan of Dylan Thomas, autumn, coffee, the Smiths, Pope Francis, Ted Kooser, morning walks, Mary Oliver, used bookstores, poetry workshops, Hart Crane, sparkling water, Theodore Roethke, and Frasier & Niles. Oh, yes, Uncle Wystan’s pretty awesome, too. I’m participating for the first time in this event, so am taking it slow by doing a 12-hour run. Am I preparing? Yes, trying to, by reading and writing every day, avoiding booze and television, attempting to stay centred, and generally staying cool. Wishing everyone lots of luck, and heartfelt thanks to our intrepid organizers! Let’s make good things happen!