Hello all, Thomas from Boston & vicinity. Poet, curmudgeon, and sluggard. Quickly aging here. Vintage item from the 1960s. Huge fan of Dylan Thomas, autumn, coffee, the Smiths, Pope Francis, Ted Kooser, morning walks, Mary Oliver, used bookstores, poetry workshops, Hart Crane, sparkling water, Theodore Roethke, and Frasier & Niles. Oh, yes, Uncle Wystan’s pretty awesome, too. I’m participating for the first time in this event, so am taking it slow by doing a 12-hour run. Am I preparing? Yes, trying to, by reading and writing every day, avoiding booze and television, attempting to stay centred, and generally staying cool. Wishing everyone lots of luck, and heartfelt thanks to our intrepid organizers! Let’s make good things happen!
Good poet, keep writing as if I am listening in, if not more. Nice fun reading your poems, transported to your whereabouts, happy-sad-place. Too nice–make good things happen till good things happen to you?