If I’d known what I was saying yes to,
On the day I chose this fork of the road.
I would have said yes as soon as I could.
Yes now and a million more times.
I found in all six of you not just friends,
But I found the warm comfort of family,
Of being able to be completely myself,
And still be accepted for who I really am.
The feeling of free falling but not the fear,
Of gravity vanishing as I reach the darkest of depths.
Pulling out of the shroud, things I didn’t know,
All the while knowing you’d still hold on to me.
Being able to cry on your shoulders,
Oh, your strong shoulders that can hold the earth,
Being able to laugh and hear yours harmonising,
Knowing my smile is mirrored on all of your faces.
Where I am happy not just for me but all of you,
Because y’all make me so happy, every day,
Forcing me to fight for just another minute,
Trusting I can get through whatever is getting to me.
So thank you for being my kin through ‘kin selection’,
I swear, it’s not just through ‘mere exposure’ because of ‘proximity’.
If I had everyone to choose from for this journey,
I know I would still choose each and every one of you.
Not just helping me battle the demons I’ve been fighting,
But for helping me grow and change and be better because of you.
Oh, my babies,
‘The sky could be falling, as long as you’re next to me,
I got everything, everything, everything, everything.’
Note: This poem is for my dear friends I met in college and I’m so insanely grateful for and who I love so very much and would do anything for <3
Another Note: I did my degree in psychology and sike is slang term for “psych”, which is short for “psyched out”. The prompt was to choose a picture from my gallery.