# 8 remembering green

Too many to count and name

Spend a day out there looking

Wonder at green that signals

The beginning and end of things


New life hopeful at the start

Buds and sprouts a gentle hue

Then failing flesh and mold

Suggests doom and decay


Heed the waning of green

As a warning that our Mother

Will indeed purge herself

Of our manmade sickness


Should green become a memory

It shall be too late

How do we tell our children

That there was green

#7 Shoulda Been

Red felt cowboy hat

Double holster holding two cap guns

After smoke the smell lingering


White stitching around the brim

The hat resting on by back

Covering my five-year old self


I saw no cowgirls

No politically correct ladies

On horseback ready to ride


Women were in saloons or

Canning vegetables back

At the ranch


I shoulda been a cowboy

Or a mountain man tending

To my bountiful whiskey still


But alas no one noticed

The cowboy in this girl

She faded to chasing boys


Curling her hair

Hanging up her guns

The red felt hat forgotten

#6 Widow Time

The old gals speak of three years

I see them in the cemetery planting geraniums

I need to water mine


This in-between happens to those left behind

Change of life that begins when a life ends

There are no hormones at play


That first year was boundless

No days of the week or hours of the day

Only the daily reminder that he’s gone


Friends asking how you are not waiting to hear

Protecting them you lie and say you’re getting on

Only those who know don’t ask


A second year offers routine

Cleaning out, giving away, changing numbers

The business that death offers


Now one year to go before another change

The old gals don’t tell what to expect

Trusting them you settle in


A new hairdo and maybe remove the ring

Not looking for a replacement

But getting ready to let go again

#5 Roommate

Warm puppy head rests on her neck

Almost planned they sigh in unison


She reaches to slide a free hand

Down fawn-colored baby fur


They will sleep until dark when

Stars shine without human challenge


A quick late walk outside for relief

Beneath a Universe of wonder


A slow morning allows more time

To understand each other

#4 A Sultry Saturday

With good intentions

Christian ladies set up

Craft tables in the

Church parking lot


Below in the cemetery

A family waits to bury Leo

Perhaps a quick look at

Handmade items for sale


Beneath blue tent mourners pray

The vault truck idles in view

As the grave digger writes

Yet another poem

#3 Wet

Thirsty ground has become

Crispy stalks of breakable

Slices of deceased grass


Bright blooms have wilted

As parched petals surrender

Falling in finality


Dry gray stones revealed

The brook losing moisture

While gaining ground


Tall trees without care

Their penthouse leaves

Still luscious green


Frivolous humans

Watering their landscape

As though there is more

#2 Covered

The Lone Ranger

wore a mask

to cover his eyes

shelter his identity


Inevitably he would holler

Hi-Yo, Silver! Away!

Which no doubt caused

folks to notice


Bank robbers wear masks

to conceal their faces

though the guns quickly

indicate who they are


Trick or Treaters hide

behind chosen costumes

threatening at your door

for free sweet bounty


The Klan wore white hoods

announcing their intention

conveying fear and danger

to this day it still works


At the grocery store

unable to enjoy breathing

I wear a mask as it is

a matter of life and death

#1 Sloppy Eaters

Woodpeckers, Jays, squawky Grackles emptying feeders

The Crows wait on the ground for theirs

Never a cute little Bluebird, a Yellow Finch

Always the loud insistent sloppy eaters


Bags of seed and slabs of suet disappear daily

Trips to the hardware store a weekly event

Needing a coupon each time to keep bellies full

The pleasure of nature becoming a mandate


Now Pigeons in the barn dirty feathers abound

A nightmare of bodily debris gathers

Swooping low to exit with indignant cries

As though their eviction would be illegal


A mother Robin manages to hatch her young

Risking trips for food while Pigeons complain

Perhaps another week until her babies can fly

To leave this hostile world and return to trees

May The Force Be With You

Greetings Poets,
This year I will enjoy the company of my puppy, Miss Millie. Finally someone I can read to!
I wish you all a creative, fun, and snack rich experience. Though I have done this before I do
not consider myself a poet, however, on most days I consider all singing, humming, laughing
humans POETS.
Blessings and have fun.
Tobe & Millie in Vermont, US

How come you get to be Dorothy?

How come you get to be Dorothy?


The Scarecrow asked

Amazed while

Turning to the others


It’s not because

I’m a girl she answered

Sensitive to his feelings


The Lion had gone

Back to work while

The Tin Man listened


I need to learn home

Is not about the rules

Dorothy continued


The Tin Man

Smiled and touched

His loving heart


You don’t need

All the right people

To have a home


Now the Lion bravely

Listened as he

Knew this to be true


Home is accepting

And understanding

A safe place to fall


Oh said the Scarecrow

I knew that

I didn’t Dorothy replied


Welcome home



TobeTTĀ  #24

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