Coming to and end

In the early morning light

I stood on the cobblestone street

In the middle of the old city

Visiting ghosts


As the sun rose

The shadows shifted and mingled

The wind picked up and howled


I stood in the middle of the cobblestone street

In the old city hounded by ghosts swirling with the wind

And I felt nothing.


I felt nothing

No sour taste behind my throat

No constriction in my aorta


I was numbed

I did not feel the cold air, the freezing rain, the blistering sun

I just stood there waiting for death to come


You said goodbye and walked

Into the fading afternoon sun


I stood looking at you hoping

That you will turn back


But you continued on until

You disappeared from my sight


I moved away with not

A tear in my eye


Life will go on, we will go on

Only, in separate ways


The smile, the small gestures, the quiet laughter

They are all but shadows

Slowly fading into nothing


Grasping, chasing, capturing

All but futile

Everything has faded


The rain have washed them away

The sunshine have erased them thoroughly

The Dream

The dream beckons

Cracking the sound waves

Wreaking havoc in the wind


The dream struggles

Breaking the shackles

Shattering the silent space


The dream…slips away

And dreams its own dreams

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