
Red heels, body balanced above.

Red dress, fits just like a glove.

Red lips, seething with lust.

Red rubies, slipped in the secret of my bust.

Red flag, beckoning.

Red silk sheets, decorate our night, into morning.

The gift

Dear God,

I know its been a while, and I’m sorry for my absence. Life has been anything but easy, so I’m working on some balance.

Tonight I’m asking for one very special thing, although I’ve asked before. The bible says you hear me, but my human nature says I’m being ignored.

Lord, I’m looking for a man, who fears and respects who you are. Capable of knowing when to back down, and the God given wisdom to take charge.

If you could throw in intelligence, wit, and a sense of humor, I would definitely appreciate! You already know who I’m looking for, you are the owner of my fate.

Someone who is strong enough to hold me up, hold me down, and hold me close. He needs to know how to put me in my place, especially when I need it most.

If he is handsome Lord, I will not argue. I am one to appreciate a man’s beauty. Arms strong, hands stronger, and if you have the time could you throw in a nice booty?

Ok Lord, thank you so much for hearing me out. While waiting for my gift, I’ll take this time to get to know “me” and what I’m all about.









When ready, the moon benefits you all.

So that all the moonlight is beautiful,

She confers other benefits at all the gods threatening her.

And then, when you ought to be sacrificing,

you are pouring libations and laughing.

He ought to spend the days of his life, according to the moon.

An erasures
An erasures

Wallflower social club

So I met this chick the other night…..Smoooookin hot!!!

Well, I guess meeting her is an exaggeration,

really I just stood in one spot.

Music was electric,

I starting bobbing my head.

Actually, I thought about doing that,

I decided to get a glass of punch instead.

Oh my god, the chick was staring at me now!

She waved and mouthed the word ” Hi”

Unfortunately I forgot my glasses,

The chick was really pointing down, telling me to button my fly!!






It was the honesty in his voice,

falling in love became of ease….

I had no choice.


Spicy whispers, intoxicate the room.

A sultry aromatic breeze continues to loom.

Candles lit, steamy desires, intense, hotter then any fire.

Silhouette should have been her name, oooohhh what a frame….

Silken skin,

Worn natural with no shame.

Primal intuition yearns to find its freedom.

Hungry to be fed.

Seeking to be indulged by spirits of sweet nectar.

Only to realize the object of your yearning is merely a specter.




Will you?


When will we learn that different is beautiful?

When will we see with our hearts and not our eyes?

When will we read the character of the person with the discernment of our minds?

Will we ever see that peace brings healing and war festers?

Learn that kindness can be contagious even in the smallest of gestures?

Will someone, anyone, stand up, show up, grow up…….GIVE UP……The violence?

Will we stop killing our children?

When will we invest in our children, stop molesting our children?

When will color become the beauty its meant to be and not a distinguishing factor between who is better… or me?

Will we ever see money as paper, and people with value?

Will you?






While strategically placing my lipstick, I caught a glance of the clock. Its 2:29. Damn that brings me back to the times…..

Remember how you would hold my face in your hands when we kissed? Do you remember how I would sing to you or play fight you when I was pissed? I cant believe how much of our dysfunction I miss…..

Or wait, what about the times you would talk in your sleep?  We would laugh forever! When did forever, become never? Were we really that weak?

I know you really remember how you stopped returning my calls. We barely would see one another, you made me feel so small……..

2:30. So glad that minute has passed. While the pain is still real, the healing is vast. A couple swipes of mascara, just enough to define. Grabbing my purse I step out the door, turn and look behind….”To hell with the time 2:29″

He was Anybody

I once knew a man named “Anybody”

He was always hanging around.

Homeless, and weak with exhaustion,

“Anybody” barely made a sound.

His shoes were filled with holes,

Laces shredded by age.

Feet blistered from “Anybody’s” travels,

“Anybody” hadn’t slept in days.

Putrid aroma,

lingered when “Anybody” walked by.

Out of all fault found,

“Anybody” was still kind.

“Anybody” had a secret.

A secret he shared with few.

While judging the misfortunes of others,

Do not forget “Anybody” is YOU!




At all costs

Purge yourself,

Drain the hideous from your soul.

Cradle the holy,

Allow your words to console.

Wring out the fear,

Brought on by the flood.

When your pen runs out of ink,

Refill it with your blood.