Our adopted REDACTED began his life in a yoga REDACTED property on the windward, REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED miles from our home. Two years later as he took in his new REDACTED with us, he focused on REDACTED REDACTED our cottage, alarmed. Often and repeatedly he showed REDACTED as he REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED. After some time we realized that he REDACTED REDACTED have seen ceiling REDACTED. The gigantic REDACTED were not going to REDACTED REDACTED to nab him. We reassured him, but he REDACTED REDACTED. Gradually, slowly REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED good life on the REDACTED side. REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED, yes, but big harmless blades to REDACTED REDACTED place.
Dave Wilson
For about 27 years my adult life has been enriched immeasurably by my friends and co-conspirators in the Maui Live Poets Society. It is through these exceptional folks that I've blossomed as a poet. Best of all, my loving wife Cindy Albers and I met through MLPS. Cindy--a truly accomplished writer and poet--and I both will be pounding out poems on our respective laptops here on the windward shore of Maui. (Already I feel the need for a nap.) Once again, thank you to Caitlin and Jacob and the other volunteers for this sterling opportunity! Good luck to us all! Big Group Hug, waldomaui (sometimes known as Bear)
Hour 13–Globular Warming
I’m the glob
being warmed
hour 13 is a bad time
for a bad freezer
that’s stopped making ice
Hour 12–Limerick
There napped once a cat in a closet
He dreamt of his loo and because it
interrupted bedtime
reached his box in quick-time
where I trust that he made his deposit
Hour 11–Pure Fiction
I can’t hear things she says because she just starts talking like my ears is all perked up already ready for input. Now that’s just not how it works. I may look like I haven’t had a thought in my head for hours at a time, but I assure you that I know the price of tea in China and it’s very likely that I’m cogitating on some such erudite subject with my mouth shut. So, she has to learn that she’s got to get my attention before she just jumps on with the talking. I’ll get some of it, but don’t expect me to get the beginning part if she hadn’t snapped her fingers like first. You just can’t break through thick thinking as easy as she thinks. It gets deep in there. Furthermore, she talks quieter than she knows sometimes and turns her head away from me as she does it. Is that a recipe for failure or what?
Wait. Is that what the hell he said about me? Turn up that tape so I can hear it. Like I don’t know about communicating?! I swear he doesn’t listen to a word I say. He makes up stuff, like thinking we had agreed who was going to do the driving. I’m not going to tell him, but my hearing is not as good as before. He just doesn’t respect me enough to be ready to hear what I say. I do have things to say. More than ever before, and I’m a busy woman ready to say them! Is he out there in the waiting room? Well, we’ll see if he can hear me today!
Hour 10–What is Love?
What is love she said
ya got me he said
then he said let’s kiss and see if it happens
Hour 9–Please Explain This to Me
I’m not here really
The bath wiped some time off my skin
but it’s only hour 9
and I’m braindead
there’s this unfocused layer underneath the mask of my face
that’s named Bleary or whatever
He’s not real sure what about this English language he’s not sure about
but prone to wiping his hand acrost hisself to express his innermost
feelings and that will have to suffice
So if a poem could be about a guy wiping his hand acrost his face
then Bleary could come through for you bigtime
Madeline loves him
don’t ask me why
but she tolerates him being quiet like that
She talks and he listens or so she thinks so
And when she swings her hips and he gets that
big dumb grin on his face, dipping all embarrassed like
well she just about loves that the best there’s just no explainin it
She just gets the biggest chuckle out of him
so in conclusion
That’s just mammal magnetism is all I can say
Hour 8–Reverie
Hour eight began with me cursing my neighbor with the leaf blower as I tried to listen to the instrumental piece. Earbuds, sufficient volume later, I calmed down and
let the music pour into me, indeed, like daylight
the tenderness of light tempered by shadow
neither bearable without the other
unsure whether the long shadow indicated morning or evening
the promise of balance sure nonetheless
I glided over the ash of Lahaina
a gloaming stuttering child
a heart basket of hurt and loss
that thickened blood and shuttered eyes
and pulled me into the deepest quiet
quiet now
quieter still
Hour 7–Funny How…
the group least acknowledged on Labor Day is labor.
Hour 6–Just Ask Mother Nature
Female octopuses throw shells at males that irk them.
So reads the lead-in to the story online.
And herein lies a message to poets:
Why waste ink on the bastards
when a well-aimed projectile will serve the same purpose?
Hour 5–Cookie Fortunate
A personal mystery will be solved with a smile.
With a mystery a personal smile will be solved.
Solved with a personal will be a mystery smile.
Smile a mystery will solved a personal be with.
Personal will a be smile mystery with a solved.
Will smile solved a mystery personal with a be?
Mystery a solved will personal be smile a with.