Prompt 5, Poem 5: Grandma

Rain has cleansed the town,

nourishing the grass and flowers;

I sit on the front porch,

breathing in the clean air.

Suddenly, one of my cats comes running across the yard

and stops, batting at an object sticking out of the ground.

I cautiously approach and poke the blue circular glass object with my foot.

It begins to turn and shake violently, blue smoke rising from the middle.

I am swallowed by the blue smoke and dropped into my grandma’s old living room.

I watch my 6 year old self and my 4 year old cousin, dressed for summer, talking to

Grandma in the kitchen.

We are playing house, we tell her. We need a job.

How about a famous author? Grandma suggests.

I’m teleported into grandma’s living room with blue couches, the one

in front of the window rocks.

I watch as we each sit on a pillow, construction paper and markers

surrounding us on the coffee table.

We write away with little chatter and show Grandma after.

She gives us a quarter for every story.

We feel like good mom’s.

My heart warms.

Blue smoke fills the air and I am brought back home.

What is this trying to tell me?

Publish a book?

I sigh as my cat rubs against my legs.

It’s still my dream.

Later, I sit writing poems with other poets.

Grandma would be proud

that I never gave up.

Prompt 4, Poem 4: Remember


Thus, remembrance;

the tiny memories I keep in a box with a heart on the top;

protected from forgetfulness.

Pictures are all around in my home, memories trapped in time I can revisit.

Or of people or cats I can reminisce.

Stuffed animals are everywhere,

they bring comfort and love,

I’m always looking for more.

There is art here and there that gives me joy,

stirring my inspiration

and soon I am writing away again.

I write one positive thing a day in my journal,

so one day, I can look back and remember.


Thus, remembrance. – Colleen Schwartz, Bellingham, WA, U.S. Hour 7  The Poetry Marathon Anthology 2019

Prompt 3, Hour 3: In My Heart

There was a rainbow in the sky

and a rainbow across the calendar.

It’s June; pride month.

I watch my rainbow flag ripple in the wind.

If there is anyone around here that is alone and can’t show who they are,

There is an ally who lives here.

I’m your neighbor, an advocate, I’ll be your family if you have none.


There was a black lives matter sticker on my car-

it’s a little damaged from wear and tear;

and there is a black lives matter sign in my heart.

It’s 2021, racism should be dead.

I watch as people glance at my car.

If there is anyone around here who is mistreated because of skin color and can’t find love,

There is an ally here.

I’m your neighbor, an advocate, I’ll be your family if you have none.


There is a no tolerance for bullying rule wherever you go.

Sometimes it’s as if there is small print, excusing bullying

but not when you enter my world.

I can’t stand someone being hurt.

I read stories and my heart breaks.

If there is anyone here who is being bullied, reach out, tell.

There is an ally who will stand up for you.

I’m your neighbor, an advocate, I’ll be your family if you have none.


There is stigma and judgment around mental illness.

Sometimes those who suffer can’t get help or speak up.

They feel alone in the hell their mind has become.

Writing helps me stay sane.

If there is anyone that is a prisoner of their own mind, write, scream, open up.

There is an ally who will listen and be there for you.

I’ll be your ears, on your team, rooting for you and sitting with you in the dark.

Prompt 2, Poem 2: The Joy of Unseen things

The joy of unseen things;

The calm that spreads over you as you sit by the river;

steady, slow.

The love you feel in your heart when you look at a loved one;

warm, full.

The awe inside of you as you watch the stars;

amazed, transfixed.

The relaxation from hot cocoa or tea;

Untense, silence.

Prompt 1, Hour 1: Almost

The sun rises and the dark clouds break apart in my mind.

My thoughts still.

I have escaped depression again.

I stand up straighter and give a shy smile.

Later anxiety takes over instead.

I look at my book of skills and choose one.

My breathing may be shaky,

but I’m not heavy.

Tears aren’t constantly waiting to fall.

I am almost free.

Hour 12 Before Darkness

In this world,

it only rains during the day.

She dances until she can move no more.

Take away the shame!

Bring on the inner glow!

She looks up to see other people join her.

Together, they bring the best out of each other.

Make this a holiday!

Celebrate yourself!



Hour 11 Stuck

A wall has shut me out of my creative mind.

I am trapped in darkness, music playing in the background

trying to come up with something that makes sense.

I am tripping, falling, deleting and retyping.

I am so stuck I don’t know where to go from here.

I’m waiting for magic,

I’m seeking for inspiration.

Take me away and let me do my thing.

Leave behind something beautiful.


A gift to unwrap.

I won’t give up.

Please let me back in.

Hour 10 Prompt 10 Moonshadows

If I lost my eyes,

I wouldn’t be able to escape the darkness

that takes over my mind.

I would have to find an inner light

to carry on.

I look around me to see my moodshadows,

spread out in their own spot nearby.

If I lost my eyes,

my cats would still snuggle in my lap

and I would  trace their bodies with my hand.

If I lost my eyes,

I would still be a cat mom

but I wouldn’t be able to write anymore.

My identity would be gone.

Hour 9 Prompt 9 Happiest Kid Ever

Fireflies dance in the trees.

I climb branch by branch

trying to catch them.

They would fly just out of my reach

and I’d lean back to watch.

Up here, the world is far away.

I can escape

and enjoy the view.

My parents’ cottage is a dot on the horizon.

Trees of all sizes surround me.

During the breaks from bad days, I play by myself.

Creating an imaginary world of families and love.

Or doing what I am doing now,

climbing trees,

dreading when I need to go down.

Can I just live up here?

Stay here forever and ever?

Never have to go to school.

Build a tree house to be safe from the weather.

My friends say it would be strange to be so high up

and to live by myself.

I don’t  care. I would have a fireplace for heat

like my grandparents do in their cabin.

I’d eat porridge like the 3 bears

and pretend I am Goldilocks.

I would be the happiest kid ever.





Hour 8 Comfort

Moonbeam shines through the window.

She watches the rain slam the concrete porch floor.

The roof has needed to be fixed far too long.

Money is scarce, she isn’t the only one suffering.

The aroma of coffee drifts under her door.

She perks up like a flower under the sun.

She bumps the shelf on her way to the kitchen

and picture frames crash to the floor.

She scolds herself and remembers,

no more beating yourself up.

She shakes it off.

The hush of the coffee maker finishing its deed

fills the room. The warmth as she drinks comforts her soul.

Everything will be okay.