I barely knew you
But I learned–
Oh I learned all about
and I learned well
I met you in church
Interesting place to meet
someone you could spend
forever with
I learned your secrets
as you did mine
we learned what made
the other tick
Ssshh don’t tell anyone that
they’d ostracize us both
I’m afraid
gossip about us
treat us like lepers
I knew you were married
But I considered you a friend
someone I could bounce ideas
off of-
that wouldn’t call me
or otherwise ridicule me
I don’t know when it changed
I would message you constantly
ask you how your day was
I couldn’t wait to hear back
I don’t know if this is one sided
I don’t know if you feel the same
I know I can’t do anything about it
I can’t even tell you.
There’s a question I have
and you can’t give me the answer
how could you?
You’d have to know the question first
How did I fall in love with you?