Dear Death7pm

Hello there!

Bet you never thought
you would hear from
or see me again.
So sorry to disappoint

I’ve had a lot of time to
think about you in the
years since we last spoke
not all of it bad, yet, not
all of it good either

There was a time when
you were my best friend
always there to listen,
but never to judge
I miss that about you

This world is so judgmental
these days
I don’t understand it

Like the time when I was
in my 20’s and I was convinced
that I needed to die because some
guy didn’t like me.

You didn’t let come home with you
instead, I found things to occupy
my time-
you said someday, I could come home
with you. Thank you

There were also the times where I
hated your guts, where you could
have taken me home with you and
I was like NOPE.

what was rude as hell is that you
took my parents instead. I guess it
had to happen sometime

I only have one reason for writing
this letter, dear death.
and that is to tell you

I don’t need you anymore
I have a reason for living even
though my life hasn’t exactly turned
out the way that I planned, and I didn’t
accomplish nearly anything near what
I wanted to as of yet-

Everyday, I am accomplishing more and
more of what I want and what is best for
ME. Even though, I have no idea what it’s
going to look like in the end- It’s mine and
I intend to have it

So I’m sorry friend- You aren’t part of
my life any longer. I will always be
grateful for the lessons but I don’t
need the teacher anymore.


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