Waking up from a deep slumber

I checked the time – 9:40 

And so I stood up 

Stretching my arms and legs 

Until I heard the crack from my back 

The X mark reads June 26, 2021

Today is the day, 

To put an end to this nightmare

I discarded my PJ’s 

To the mirror, I stared 

The dark circle of shining bags below my eyes 

Quickly to the shower, I ran

Leaving with my rain boots and my working clothes 

Onto the shores by the river I crept

A grumpy road with a shovel at hand

Ready to dig and dig 

To dig up the places I’ve seen 

And dreamt of in my dream 

Although it sometimes comes

In flickering flashes and annoying trances

Of sparkling revelation and detailed memories 

What will I find? 

What treasure will it be?

I lifted my face to the moon 

The full moon glowing from the night sky 

What will I find? Indeed

And so I went, as if in a dream

To the palm tree 

That has the moon on its peak 

To my knees, I knelt

Spreading my hands bringing up sands 

I got the shovel 

To the dirt, I poked and poked

Dug and digged


Alas! a little wooden battered box

With a tiny keyhole on its edges

Gladly I grabbed the box and  shovel 

Off I ran into my house 

Staring at the box in silence 

And from my neck, I removed the key 

The one my father had once given me before he died 

Click, it opened 

There I found a letter all letter


Dear, you,

 For if you find this letter let it be known to you that it’s time to leave for you have gone around in a circle like Sisyphus if you don’t act accordingly there will you go one repeatedly, repeatedly I say I sent this in the year of 1904. You think I am lying let it be known unto you that when you open this letter on a day as this June 26 2021 find the clue, find your way it’s all in the house. You need to get out of there your life isn’t of Sisyphus it is yours. 

Dear, you need to realize that you are me get out of that funk you or me.


And so it happened I fainted.

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