
Have you ever heard the story of the moon?
How when the world was born so were the three brothers.
The Sun, the Moon, and the Moon Shadow.

As time went on the Moon shadow failed to have a cemented role,
So he was cursed to always be the shadow of his older brother.
Till an angel fell when the clouds broke free,
And when she did the skies went dark.
The Moon Shadow curious to know,
Battled his brother to see what had happened.
He draped the world in his cloak of darkness,
And all the angel could see was the dark side of the moon.

In that very moment, she became a nyctophiliac,
And wed the Moon Shadow.
But alas he had to return to his brother’s back,
But not before he promised his angel he would return.

So each night there is an eclipse,
The angel has fallen out of the sky,
And awaits the arrival of her bethrothed.
Till he has to retreat,
And wait for the next eclipse.
When he will see his beloved

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