(Original poem) The Gift, by Ed Ringer, from Mature Living/June 2019:

The ocean has a job to do,

Pushing toward its goal.

It moves at God’s direction

To wash my mind and soul.

The sand that sweeps between my toes,

The roaring in my ears–

The simple message from my God

That erases all my fears.

Each wave that rolls upon the shore

Rolls out with parts of me.

It slowly cleanses to my core

All of life’s impurity.

Foolish man, O foolish man,

I seldom heed the call

To just give up my problems

To the One who solves them all.

I must come back; I must come back

Each day to walk its shore

To take advantage of this gift

To love the Giver more.


My Erasures of “The Gift” by Ed Ringer from Mature Living/June 2019:

The green tree has a job to do,

Important for our health.

It was taught by God above

To fix our air as wealth.


The breeze that flows upon my brow

Full of oxygen I need,

Is given off from his green trees

For breath, for life, indeed.


And just as we are partners

In this game of life,

We also help the trees

Exhaling wasted blight.


The trees need carbon dioxide

To keep their system strong,

So God devised the plan

To work together, long.


Foolish man, O foolish man,

Could never have devised

A plan so unbelievable

In God’s thoughts, very wise.


I must take care; I must take care

Of earth, and all He made,

For He made everything with care

And care by me, he bade.

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