Hour 23, Poem 29

Once there was a crow
That wanted to touch the sun
To fly higher and higher
To where there was no one
And so he tried day in day out
To fly with all he had
But in the end he was still here
Away from sun and very sad
One day the wind and the cloud
Seeing his tireless aim
Asked him about it and
“I will touch the sun” Was his claim
Impressed with the tiny crow
And his dare to dream
They offered to help him
To atleast reach the sunbeam
And as the cloud carried the crow
And wind pushed them ahead
They finally reached near sun
Where the sky was red
Bidding farewell to his friends
The crow hailed a sunbeam and took it to ride
Towards the sun with all his might and
Finally touched it with his wings and his eyes were bright.
The crow got his heartfelt wish
And you could too
With friends, effort and hard work
Nothing is impossible to do.

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