Under The Moonlight

As the night falls and darkness descends
The moon rises to it’s full glory
Lighting up the dark lake
Beautiful in it’s presence
And the world within

Away from the light
Under the shade of the canopy
Resting her head upon a tree
Her panic stricken beautiful eyes
Wander around to see, any hint of shadows

There is none and she is calm
Moving out into the light
She makes her way to the lake
Her silver gown cascading after her
Her hair ruffled by the wind.

Suddenly the silence of the night
Is shattered by the galloping of horses
And in one swift movement
She is swept off her feet
And carried into the night

Her beautiful eyes now full of fear
As she raises them to the face of the stranger
He sees the scared look and stops
Smiling sheepishly, he apologises to her
Says he couldn’t help surprising her.

For a moment, her face is expressionless
Then it breaks into a smile
As she looks into the eyes of her lover
And forgives his mischievious endeavor
As they ride towards the lake under the moonlight together.

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