I have spent my life tapping the bricks
between the two bathrooms, waiting
for some magical world to reveal itself.
I have avoided eye contact in the mirror
with myself & others, taken off my pronoun
buttons before going into the bathroom.
Bless this room of requirement turned
mainstream, this place where I am no
different than anyone else, just a person
at a coffeeshop not being asked to choose
between two doors that will never describe me.
Wow! Firstly, I am sorry that it has taken this long to do what should have been done decades ago. I was thrilled to be in a new elementary school where the bathrooms are non-gender – it is coming, but slowly! Your poem is full of raw emotion and beautiful writing. Poignant line: taken off my pronoun buttons… Loved the Harry Potter references – so true! “Bless this room of requirement!” 🙂