I feel elequant curruption stirring within
A vacant void filled with ravenous curiosity
For a see the inhuman suit before from me
A pure manifestation of my purest desireThe vacancy within myself screaming
Writhing in its silent symphony of macabre lust
Coiled in on itself with immoral delight
Patient in its own blood rapture to comeThe facsimile of humanity that sits adjacent to me
Scrutinizing myself as her own unadulterated image
Stilled acknowledgement of her duplication of death
My heart calm and steady in your glareMost people go through life devoid of what we share
A common ground of vicious aspirations
The purest form of balanced damnation our calling
The dissimilar methods of no consequenceI address the would be beast of prey before me
Monotones of jovial unconcern ringing out
A gambit of normality to snare my inhuman prey
The game commences with appropriate discord‘A common cause does invite strange bedfellows
Seeking what we both desire from anti-life
The greatest form of scales to be balanced
And always at the end of my
equity bringing hand
Perhaps we shall both enjoy the others company of carnage
Souless in its own rapture of screams’Seeking the demise of the injust
My own form circling yours
Drawing the chaos akin to the fly
As the normality as spider will ensnare youIn time