peering over the edge of a world I believed I once knew
everything has changed and how do I get my bearings?
evil applauded, kindness mocked, and the innocent carry the biggest burden.
when did caring and sharing become ‘woke’?
what does that even mean? awake to what is around you?
willing to think critically and listen to others?
to accept differences and share resources so we can all be healthy?
perhaps, even all feel loved and happy?
are the animals really only here for our use of them?
the world has become flat. the edge of falling off looms closer.
falling where? trillionaire starships to new homes in the galaxy?
while the rest of us dream of what once was.
restoration, reforestation, rewilding in a new order,
out of the rubble of the past might make the world round again.
Oh, Carol – this is terrific. I love the idea of reshaping the rubble into the round with all those other r-words: restoration, reforestation, rewilding. So well done and all sadly too true. Thank you for this.
Many thanks Sarah… the rolling r is fun when you read it aloud!