Soul Vision – Prompt #10 – kjkidder 2020

There’s always a silver lining, be it shrouded in pain. Every loss brings a gift of gain, A perspective not often shared. Sightedness depends not on eyes But rather, on soul vision Sound waves hitting our ears Don’t always ring true It’s that intuition in…

The Garden of Secrets

I heard tale of a girl who became disillusioned with her life Her mother says it was school Her teachers say it was her home Her friends say it was something else entirely They say she found a secret garden filled with all the flowers…

One Night’s Sleep (Hour 10)

Sleep is beautiful in and of itself, then come along dreams. fearful, fairy tale, factious false truths, famous television stars, from that summer back in 1999  – all wrapped up in one night’s sleep.    

Poem 10 (Hour 10) Qundeel

In the moonlight I was walking alone With nerves, I started a fight To remember people who gone Is forgetfulness easy? Doing nothing but looking busy Meanwhile, I visited myself Like dusty books on shelf In the moonlight I find my worth Nothing is useless,…

Plan For Tomorrow

I will work, But I am sick. I was wondering what I will be doing On my bed For my bread. I was keeping What I will needing For my day So that I don’t delay The enzymes snack But I was still sick So…

Hour 10: Boden Lane Cemetery

Boden Lane Cemetery   Faded black lettering peels like birch bark away from the old white sign nothing left but shadows and 1812. A crumbling rock wall held together by clinging ivy stands like a sentry. I slip between a granite pillar and a rusty…

Wringer of Life

I’ll be a wringer of life- Squeeze for all I’m worth. Hold my days in a vise. Die clutching the earth. I will not go gently. I will rage and fight. For me there will be No exit stage right. When at last I am…


Oh, let’s just leap and hop in the moonshadow. Let’s shout to the heavens about joy and hope while we spin and weave and bobble under the starry skies. See, here is my hand, take it – See, here is my song, sing it –…