Who Exactly Is daStoryTella?

So…. first things first… Who am I? This question remains an enigma… Reason being that, just when I think I have it all figured out, along comes the spider (the perceived architect of the totality of my matrix), and as unfeelingly as she(?) impresses my…


I have loved poetry all my life and have been writing now and then from childhood, mostly for special occasions.  I grew up in a small town in Pennsylvania but lived most of my adult life in Bronx, New York. After raising and homeschooling 5…

Poetry Marathon journey

Hello everyone.  I am a poet and author based in the North West of England, UK, at the start of my creative writing career. I’ve had some success in a couple of anthologies. My themes are around place and personal agency, nature, experience and connection….

introduction Hussein Nuhu is a young Nigerian sociologist and a poet who has the dream of becoming a better creative, he was the assistant curator Naija Haiku 2020, he was the Poetry Editor Vanguard Press UDUS, 2021, he was the third runner up of Naija…


Dear Poets, This is my first year at Poetry Marathon and as is with any challenge, there’s an adrenaline rush; although I must admit that the thought of writing a poem every hour is quite daunting. For now, I am focused on completing the marathon….


Hi everyone, I’m excited to be part of this year’s Poetry Marathon! I’m a poet from Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada. I’m doing the half marathon that starts at 9 am Eastern (heaven help me, 6 am my time is early for me to be writing…

2023 Introduction

This will be my third year participating in the Poetry Marathon, and it will be an odd year for me. Not many people from my personal life have read my poetry, but one person who kept up with my marathonning every year and read every…

Introducing Myself…

Hi all! My name is Marissa Wolfe. I am a native to the foothills of South Carolina, a wife, a mother of two, and of course, a writer. This is my first poetry marathon and I am very excited. While poetry is my first love,…

First Year Poetry Marathon!

Hey everyone! It’s going to be my first year completing the poetry marathon (my girlfriend and I are hunkering down to do it together, YAY!!). I am a SoCal-based visual artist with a BFA in Animation! I have a love for all things poetic and…

First time Marathoner

My name is Mikki Mendelsohn and I have been writing poetry for some years but only recently sending it out with some successes. I have about12-14 poems published and a book on Amazon called “Chasing Moonbeams” I am ready with another book, but my memoir…

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