Thoughts and Prayers

So much is left to “thoughts and prayers.” It’s become meaningless like no one really cares. Empty words won’t stem the tide of mass shootings or suicides. What we need are better laws and bolder leaders to take up the cause. Gun reform. The time…

Hour 1

We do this I am convinced I am not the only one who wakes with a stiff shoulder From restless sleep on the bathroom floor And a refrain in my head pounding in rhythm with my panicked heart I am so sorry I am so…

Middle of The Pond Musings, Hour 1

I am not what I write No, these words do not define my thoughts These little characters do not define who I am But I am what I incite A re-reflection of all I’ve been taught An inspiration for those that give a damn I…

Filtered World

Standing outside Looking in, Wishing she was there With him. Unsure, if she should go alone She pushes To let go of her fear, A false smile Paints her face With the lie Of happiness A photo Taken to show she is having fun. With…

1 – I am

I am, winters sharp tongue, its Icey stare, full of rain. I am, springs first kiss, its bloom, its heartbeat. I am, summers smile, lingering on loves lips, the age of consent. I am ,autumn crinkling beneath your feet, whispering in shadow, memories. I am,…

2019 Hour One- Strength in Struggle

I am here to watch you struggle with typical things Like walking, like playing, like talking I am one that will observe you every day With a loving stare, never mocking. I am one of many who will guide you As you go through your…

I am

I am A speck of dust I am In this nebulous maze Searching for infinity Yet I am within myself I am in every pervasive dust Trickling on and off Settling down often, shaken up sometimes I am the wind hoofing at Churning each particle…


In serenity I sit While birds sing their praises to the sky A light breeze passes, curling my lips into a smile The sun presses on my tan skin warming my bones    

I Am

It is 9 am- I am a ball of nervous energy. I am a capsule of words, begging to be unearthed. I am the best of friends with paper and pen- I am intelligence redefined, using standards that are mine and not manifested by any…

I Am-Hour 1

I am a lost poet Singing poems in darkness Trepidation coursing through my tired body Doubt hanging around like my own personal ghost I am an unsung hero In my own nightmares I am the villain in my own life’s play I am struggling, suffocating,…