A Life is

  To look to the sky and beyond To likened myself to its end Finding solace in its meaning So, I can justify the interval of life echoes Pondering why and how of things Reasonability of known course of humanity What life may contain in…

Tug of War

A white light shines on me Its fluorescence harsh, unyielding Like a thousand tiny needles stabbing their points into my pupils The room is a tomb With clicks and taps Breaking its sanctity Clawed fingers grapple at the keys Rambling, pausing, rambling again Uncaring of…

2019 Sexy Zebra

Sexy Zebra Virginia Carraway Stark Laying like a sexy zebra I didn’t get no sleep I was thinking heavy thoughts About love and sex and death and life And all those other things That keep us zebras up at night I wasn’t able to close…

What’s On Your Mind?

Screen’s languid waters, the thumb sets the speed of floating past clumped-up collections of letters- First an inane then a profound one Then an insane insightful and loud one- But no matter the content the point is the same, the origin and destination- the impulse…

When Day Breaks

“Beep, beep, beep!” my alarm screams. I roll & pat pat pat . . . silence. “Zzzzzzz . . .zzzzzzz” my husband snores. I rub the crusty sleep out of my eyes as light breaks through the window blinds. “Bawk, baaawwk, bbbbbaaawwwkkkkk” demands an answer….

A Stolen Love

It wasn’t true For both But it was true For a heart. It wasn’t her heart That broke. It was the one that Didn’t know they had Met that did. She was the only one That was surprised By our Words. She stole a heart…

Another You

I waited for you. This image played in my heart. My mind tried to take control. But you never showed. In your place, Was someone with your name. It wasn’t the same. I painted you with a brush Dipped in fantasy And you walked in…