24. I am plentiful

I am plentiful I am abundant I am numerous I Proliferate I Superabound I Thrive I Flourish I am thick on the ground I am Superabundant I am Considerable I am Copious I am Ample I am Lavish I am Luxuriant I am Profuse I…

Poem 25- My Second Marathon

As the birds wake up outside, And the darkness begins to hide, I to myself begin to chide. “Why would you do this? At least you have not died.” Despite a setback here and there, Despite prompts that felt unfair, I made it through, I…

(#14/24): “Apocalypse”

“Bank manager suspected of peculating”, Screamed the evening tabloid Which I glimpsed through the steam in the sauna. I had my raincoat on when I left, Which shielded me when frogs began raining down, On the children in the playground. In the mayhem, an elbow…

(#13/24): “Rejection”

There once was a man from Richmond. Who thought he was God’s gift to women. His dressing was risible. His pick-up lines farcical. So his chances were none in a million.   © 2017 S Phua

(#12/24): “Mortality”

It begins with a nagging cough that comes to stay. A general malaise that never goes away. Then a conspicuous spot on the film. “Nearly missed it,” he jokes. As if to comfort. But, I know.   And even as I leave his office, Days…


Hope   My life was black and white until now; when will I have colour in my life? Maybe my next love will bring some colour into my grey life!

(#11/24): “Breathlessness”

I see you first.   The fiddler plays. The dance begins.   We approach warily. Not quite in sync, yet. Sizing each other up first.   Determining the tempo of our feet. The cadence we will take. What will be the resolution of our caper?…

(#10/24): “Prejudice”

What first do I see?   The bearing of your stature, The timbre of your voice, The brilliance of your smile, The respect in your manner, The warmth of your handshake, The content of your words?   Or is it, the colour of your skin?…

Goddess Freya in my Garden (24th hour)

Wondrous weeping willows wallow near my windows Outstretched reaching out to me, inviting me to explore the outside festivities Frogs are hopping about croaking loud and free Crickets chirping their way through the grass Little Sparrows singing songs of solace spring searching for food The…


Separation   Mountains of lies and of garbage, that’s all that I get from you. Are you not willing to change anything?   Don’t shed crocodile tears because I won’t receive you back. You let go of my arms and now you are on your…