(#9/24): “Arachnophobia”

Couched in my Lazy-Boy, Beer in one hand and Remote in the other, I channel surf idly, And chance upon this ridiculous movie, Of giant lava-breathing, fire-spewing spiders, Spawned from the depths of hell, Ludicrously called “Lavalantula”.   Starring the cast of “Police Academy”, Playing…

(#8/24): “Loneliness”

Overwhelmed, overwrought, overawed am I Alone in this prayer cell, on knees I bend Reverently and humbly, I reflect, “Oh my” Before God, I dare not lift my head My form prostrate, I contemplate, and Yet, all I can do is think Unceasingly of my…

I can’t see much out this window. 24

Dawn has not yet raised its head The road is dark, save two cats who use it as an asphalt bed Barely visible in lamp light dim The yard is black save a dead-wood bench And a stump with countenance grim And though I know…

(#7/24): “Truth”

We should talk more. So I’ve been told. Let it all out. Express my emotions. Share my thoughts. Say how I truly feel.   This psychology on a dime, May all be very fine. But you have known me all this time, That I cannot…

It Was Only Yesterday

In the same Yesterday’s dawn Only now, the end has drawn   Waters still and calm Though I know Sleep won’t come   Easily, on weakened Knee   Knowledge, and experience Though, forlorn Picked up, like stones Upon, a dreamt up shore   If only…

Hour 24: blooming

blooming the rosebush despite my neglect blooms again the tiniest buds are hard red things but as they open they fade to tangerine and then to peach meanwhile becoming less tough less closed-off softer freer as should we become as we grow and blossom  

Unrealistic Soul

My soul is unrealistic He says as wind design You fly the metal earth And followed your divine He left the words Upon my lips Sou d and rhythm Slowly dripped It pumped my blood It gave me life It spoke my secrets To the…


I always eat it My belly grumbling sounds Like angry demons


Nature, my friend   I love nature and she loves me back. The wind caresses my hair, the waterfall caresses my ears, clouds simply embrace me.   Butterflies spread their wings, bees do their work, everything is fine when I plant flowers in my garden….