Alone Naturally

High above As the world sleeps   She shines her light Over the human race In light, and in love   Clouds drape like silk Over her full bussom   Darkness shrouds Her lonely heart Her sun, her love World’s apart   Evolving through revolutions…

The Forest Queen

The Forest Queen commands all in her land, The other trees, the grass, the animals, Even the wind bows down before her. She stands with grandeur in her domain. Her branches reach out and sculpt the sky. She has dominion over all Except One. The…

Prompt twenty

  Above She screams So loudly You think they would stop But they are machines Machines filled with men The smoke billows from mouths and pipes As they inch across She screams Attempting to get closer As the smoke chokes Her frail bird frame And…

Space understanding

    Sense of order bringing into new undertaking Enriching things for a humanity stalking Livable viability in new discus nothing manner ictus   Enriching formidability Fondling in the capability Delight for the space Anticipate in the cape   Longing in the  revelation Dawning in…

Urban Farming

I want to plant pine trees On the edge of the ball field so students see the sky Instead of the prison On the valley below I want to plant mighty oaks In the potholes of my street Sometimes, to alert drivers And sometimes to…


Poem 19 Breakfast   The thought of breakfast makes my stomach tight, bringing smiles of delight The smell of bacon sizzling in the metal pan, eggs too, nicely done with specks of green and gooey cheese Toasted bread a must Screw all the gluten haters!…

The Resistance is Green (Hour 20)

Decrepit buildings strangled with ivy, leaking roofs where water creeps in, then dries, and rots plaster and splinters wood to fray. I welcome the ruin of civilization’s structures, I secretly applaud the falling of the rain. Sidewalks fractured by roots writhing beneath the concrete, Shoots…

poem 20

Just like this moment All things are impermanent, grateful to have experienced them Partaking the nector With everyone ” awake” with me

Evening Fog

  Urbanization of civilization Propagation of technologies Enriching in the core structure in a civil society Working in the dimensionality Enriching life in post modernity   Frigid night so desolate Making things in its isolate Enriching much complexities Direction of new social norms Determinants of…