#20 Time Out

Time out I need this Please Put me in time out I will sit quietly enjoy the time without noise to disturb peace in my world  

cohen’s flowers

cohen’s flowers   It’s right there, those flowers in the concrete on corners choking on dust and exhaust but surviving.   They always remind me of Cohen, from Anthem, y’know, the line about the cracks letting light in? Those miracle flowers growing in the city…

Prompt 20

Would you abandon the inner city lights And experience with me the beauty of this night? Could you leave the safety of these streets And experience this world with me?

The Fly

I saw a fly go buzzing by It landed on a plaque. I could not understand the fly Why he kept coming back. I looked a little closer The plaque was covered in braille Maybe the fly, using his many eyes Wanted to read a…

Floating Dream

I awake to find I’m weightless. Unsure of where I am, I panic. Then am gently self-reminded, I live deep in outer space.     No cause for alarm or worry, at my standard, floating state. What isn’t typical, is that I’ve drifted, so far…

A Table for Two – Hour Eighteen

A table for two, Is something quite new – No longer the lone diner, Mistaken for a mystery shopper Or some kind of food blogger, No – I have company – Something quite new to me – And you know, I could make a meal out…

The Fool’s Errand

.When a journey begins, all it takes is a single step. .     Just one. A blind leap of faith if you will. Close your eyes. .          Don’t hesitate, because hesitation is the enemy. You’ll be fine. .    …

I don’t recall

I don’t recall VCS You don’t come to mind much anymore I don’t recall your face Your voice That world has been exorcised Excised I am at peace with the clarity of my heart And with how you vanished along with my own Resurection You…

Hour twenty

For the prompt this hour I want you to write a nature poem with a twist. I want you to write a poem about nature interacting with man made things. It could be about watching a beautiful eagle while standing in a strip mall parking…


i hate the word “meat” i don’t think that we should use it not anymore the phrase “i eat meat” allows for a separation a buffer a slight of hand to distract us the eater and the audience from what’s really going on   i…