
Sleep? sleep? who needs sleep Creative juices are flowing words are flying from my brain to the page. My brain won’t stop for even a short nap

17. Lost

She lost her innocence that day they said That day in the dark when her closest friend Pushed her to try it just once She didn’t lose it that day and She wasn’t as innocent as people thought she was In fact, she knew things…


what is it like to walk in my footsteps to see what killed you curled at the bottom of unopened tequila bottles in my kitchen like   you’re not sure if it’s your reflection or your pride I keep chasing but our eyes are the…

19. Maintenance

Time to come in, Rog. Oxygen is at a quarter fuzzy. The com tells me my daydream is at an end. (daydream?) I finished repairs a decade ago. But the minutes… the sacred minutes I get as my own spec of dust. Harnessing galaxies in…

Maggie, Cat of Kepler

This was news in 2015, a planet called Kepler 452b was considered very earth-like and potentially capable of supporting life. My old cat, Maggie, who I had to leave in Rochester, NY, would love being in a weightless environment, so I let her clib abroad…

Astral Effigy

Vast and beautiful, empty as an infant, darker than most villain’s lairs emitting the light of a billion corpses. Powering fantasy for centuries, Myths and legends built it, Science now attempts to complete it.


8/6/17 12:36am Spatial You’re a tiny thing twinkling in the spaces gooey and dripping between the stars. You’re nimble fingers plucking at constellations. You are. You are. You’re the pressure of planets spiraling out of control colliding into glittering gold. You place the specks between…

3am Reprieve (19th hour)

Full breakfast at three in the morning To counterattack the sleepiness and yawning When my stomachs is empty That is when i get sleepy Sizzling bacon, breaking the silence of the whole apartment complex Makes me feel like I am doing something I should not…

The Hatter’s Chatter – Hour Sixteen

I’m the hatter, hatter, hatter, hatter, hatter, Listen to that catter, catter, catter, catter, He doesn’t know whose madder – Me or the March hare. What nonsense he will chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter, Pay no mind – I don’t know who put him there, Really and…

Hour 19: Cosmic Ruin

(an etheree) Cold darkness unending pinpricks of light beam across the black streaking through dimensions alien to human space crossing barriers of physics and entering the abstract realms of fantasy and science fiction fables unexplored corners of furthest time-space await the arrival of matter molecules…