
Cookies chocolate chip cookies great recipe Makes about 8 decent size cookies Great for late night or early morning writing snack

What the Addict Added – Hour Seventeen

I’m not certain quite how to adjust to this new level of disgust That you feel daily without all the drugs This new clarity that has ended the hilarity And now it’s all shame and regret and reflection With the odd painful confession And sometimes…

Hour Nightteen

Write a poem set in space. The details are entirely up to you! By Patricia Harris Stars spred In comet trails Black holes sweeping The milky way Pulling out the Extra stuff thrown loose From random Star stuff

Life in Outer Space, Unknown

All I recognize is absence yet I have no definition to explain absence as if in a trance where not black not symbols of time, nor distance. I try to lift my foot, but never move one place is the same as another. strangely, sound…

Table for two

“Two, please” he had uttered the phrase countless times in so many places around town squiring so many different women money never a problem success, women followed him all his life joined him in misadventures big, bigger – even bigger a big tipper, gregarious everyone…

Prompt #19 (Spaced out j.r.m©)

Dance between the stars the collision of universes planets revolve around  in their orbits never changing destinations. fathomless boundless void infinities are measured Gravity doesn’t hold much influence and you can fly away or float away but, so can your shit and piss. Space is…


Poem 17 Space Gravity does not trap me to the ground Buoyant and strong I float into my dreams like a song Into the vast blackness wearing my crown

Zombies in Space – Prompt 19

NIGHT. INT. TV on movie that could be from ’80s. Think Golden Girls-Meets-Night Stalker. “Don’t let me take your time – it’s been a wild news night – oh, you’re just getting in? Well, I could fill you in – ” CLOSE-UP. Face of Space…


I stared at a little red square under a black ribbed portion of a huge work of art and saw my heart and painted again


The ruby flushed her cheeks painted her lips and aged her hair. She was a gold petal, begging to be a rose. She was spilled ink over easy poetry and she was all the lead in the gravity that sunk her