Music box   Are you there for me? Will you always be there? I listen to my music box whispering your love for me.   Now you are gone and I am silent, surrounded by our memories, overwhelming, but dear memories. But I still listen…

Prompt nineteen

I couldn’t help but feel the pull The moon, the stars You see The universe was made for me And in its arms I was free


Poem 15 Soucouyant A ball of fire flying through the night Deep in the village Causing quite a fright They say it’s a woman Perhaps the Devil’s wife A witch perhaps Something magical and powerful All the way from Africa Anyone waking up with marks…

I Find Comfort in the Rain

I find comfort in rain, especially rain that comes with the loud gongs of lightening and applause that disguises the sinister ghosts who proclaim the morning darkness is what cures anxiety and grief. I find comfort in the storm that covers all the evil and…

at the circus

at the circus   there she is, flying with the greatest of ease, for all to see, on the flying trapeze.   the monkeys dance for the lion tamers’ cracking whips to keep the crowd awake. elephants trumpet, standing on tip-toes, so unsteady as to…


Serious people consider themselves pardons of indulgence. He will go out of his way to talk for an attempt at scholarly validity. Impatient with individual blindness. Confront it head on. Stormy waves broken with great mountains of gigantic fish. Mythological subjects airy in imagination. The…

2017 – Hour Twelve

Yearning for the impossible a fourth dimensional life Where time’s a place you visit Day and night forever dance Back and forth around me Never enough of either Too few hours there are in a day Our time, too short Where are you? So much…

Evening Fog

Evening fog has set in While everyone else is in bed Rhyme schemes dance in my head   I’m sleepy and grumpy And full of despair Half-marathoners have no more cares   Five more hours to stay up Five more poems yet to think Five…


I fly through the heavens Make a pit stop in the Milky Way And have a picnic. I munch on crunchy star bites And then take a drink of clear sunlight. I launch myself on a moonbeam and hover around The moon and wave to…

The Unsung Hero

This one is for those adventurers that no one sees or notices, To the support cast, who above all else work not for their benefit, but that of others. We may not get the credit, we may not get the recognition, but at the end…