
Lost, he was for a long, long time never stopping to ask where am I? Visiting locales covering a broad expanse he kept moving, moving compiling souvenirs at every turn things he wanted, had to have insatiable was his appetite something to bring home, knowing…

Hour 19: Omnipresent

What if you were omnipresent Their theres were really your heres. You were always Here being now. Resurrection— The end of reincarnation An ascension of space Your yous  come together as one. Imploding into self, Before exploding into everywhere Before everyone Could be there To…

Space Dog

Not given a choice a homeless pet, captured and kept her fate had been set. A kiss on her nose a final farewell, one night as a pet a normal day met.   What could she do? a sarifice yet, for science she went. to…

I Used to be Fine (2017)

I really couldn’t say What happened to me Where this person I’ve become Spawned from But I know something’s not right Most days I get by I can smile and laugh Convince them it’s alright When deep down inside me I’m struggling just to breathe…


poem 16 Loss I’m at a loss When I think about love Not who I am Not who I love Or who loves me Or what I love But being in love Cause it meant so much And I didn’t know Now there’s a gap…

Alice Speaks

Poem 15 Alice in Wonderland  (Motivational Speech) The tiny shall be transformed into giants conquering any impossible thing That can be thought of in the blink of an eye For if it can be conceived indeed can be achieved Smile in the face of the…


Emotional moon eclipse the light fandango and soften the glow

Laughing Buddha

Have a seat; You’ve had an awfully long day. Look at that frown. Look at those shoulders, Sagging and droopy. You’ve got bags under your eyes, And you look pretty miserable to me. Here, try some of this stuff. There, look at you now, Smiling…

Devil’s Bridge – Hour Fifteen

The devil himself is known for Stealth An with this reputation before him He travelled down to foil the Welsh In the county of Ceridigion Eager to strike a deal with anyone He came across an old woman who dearly wished To be able to…