All in the DM

  Poem 9 All in the DM Block Delete Unfollow Moved in haste Not one pause flicker of regret With each tap of the screen Erasing you from sight And mind I do so hope In less than a minute After hours of conversation Gone…

Table for Two (Hour 18)

The oak grain deepens by candlelight in a corner of the bustling room. Beneath undisturbed dinnerware, the place settings set upon a vacant table for two. In the middle of an insignificant month, on some random, middle day of the week, tables sit people conversing…


  POEM OF THE SEA   Emeraud sea, happy faces everywhere, the heat is forgotten and the sea is the protagonist.   Blessed soft sand, surfers, swimmers and non-swimmers having the same goal-enjoying themselves; and umbrellas everywhere.   And I wonder-are we sinners because of…

Hour 18

Tea The steam warms me before the first sip My spoon stirring in golden honey Finally I lift my mug to my lips and drink Warm liquid fills me heating inside out I open my book again ready to lose myself Into tea and words

Table For Two

The moon was out The night, planned and set   On the table All the trimmings Paired, in candle light   Alone she waits And contemplates The evening to transpire   Shouldn’t love, fuel desire Promises, unkempt A fool for words She understood   She…

2017 – Hour Eleven

The chase is on Smiles are wide Laughter echoes the countryside Dancing, thrills Here we are friends Sharing a spirit of joy without end And if you are curious come along, you’re invited In only mere moments you’ll be so delighted

Poem #18 (Cloud Mountain j.r.m©)

Heaven descends onto earth what a view to behold, marvelous are the ways of mother nature. So isolated from up above a taste of heaven and earth in the same bite take a big bite, savor the view  Standing atop breathe in the air let…

Summer and Sad

Summer storm, rain sleeting down thundering roars, oh thunderstorm, have me get soaked, wipe all my thoughts Punching the sad, delusion and mad walk in the rain, can’t shake of the sad.   Depression that hangs with the bad.        


At THE Circus The orange man Storms right out He rants and raves Throws his weight about The rest of the world Watches the show Duh Duh Duh duh~duh~duh Duh Duh Duh DUH duh duh Duh~duh~dudda Dope!