18 – table for two –

I wait as l have every year, candle lit, Jessie’s girl on repeat a bottle of JACKS on the kitchen counter and an empty chair with your name on it, an old fashioned roast in the oven, the table is set for two, yet l…

Table for Two

She sets your table, plops dinner down, and you eat. No lust for the chore, no love for it any more, she washes dishes. She serves you, like a debt, a duty, or a dog—for exchange. Me, I’m dessert. I undress your mind, place desire…

Evening Fog In Silence

I sat by the seashore To dream my solitary dreams I looked upon the water Nothing is as it seems To dream my solitary dreams I stare solemnly at the horizon Nothing is as it seems The evening fog comes in I stare solemnly at…

Sleepy baby Ana

Cage… Nicolage Nicolage. Cropped hair bobs as you turn your head on its side, flared nostrils, widened then tightly shut blue eyes, jazz hands. Your movements remain sharp as ever, disjointed as the mouse that knocked your birthday hat from your three year old head….


consumption ran by itself a chaotic constellation nothingness a statistical reality translucent in my crystal ball the masses are swirling with currents and flows natural matter natural elements in the image of- so, at least, we are represented

Hour Eightteen

Write a poem to go with one of the following five titles: At the Circus Table for Two Cloud Mountain Evening Fog Tea   Table for two By Patricia Harris   Cozy,  intimate, A space for just you and I. Allowing us to forget, That…

Poem #17 (Loss of me j.r.m©)

You’re on video call seeing you sleep  like a child gives my heart assurance. …and even though your body is giving way your blooming heart carries you forward. Your burst of enthusiasm, your zeal, your passion is something I have always  wanted to emulate into…


Silence That’s all I hear Darkness That’s all I see I want to speak But there aren’t any words left Is this what they call To be at peace?

A Table for Two

At a table for two At the far end of the bar I sit alone, Thinking of you. At a table for two I drink my scotch neat And think Of what I would say. At a table for two It doesn’t seem fair To…

Sleeping Angel

Goodnight my darling angel, sleep tight until morning comes.   Dance with stars, on a rocketship, ride a moonbeam, slumber, snooze, doze.   I know, he’s not really sleeping, but to face reality is beyond my capability.   For now, let me keep my dillusion,…