
Poem 6 karma Crowded in Stealing my space Hurting my sanity Annoying my comfort They know But they do not know That I know Karma rides with me, first class not coach  

table for two

before he took the cup filled with wine he took the bread he blessed bread he broke bread and he shared bread saying “take and eat” and “remember”; both loaves, at this table for two one table, two loaves of bread

Prompt 18

My dear, You are a spitting image of me From the way you wear your hair To the way you drink your tea.

Spiritual Advisor

Ancient medicine Healing herbs Sunshine Secrets passed from generation to generation Hands tending to Gardens Drawing woven in with good intentions A prayer to deities Magical decoctions infusions of the mystical and powerful and the natural Herbs Blended with a natural know how Tea Awakening

Dragging Onward

Tick tock, sounds the clock, hoping for the best. Ding dong, rings the gong. The day is almost through.

Golden Memories

A vague face peeks from the maze of mind, almost distinguishable. I gather in solitude, the golden memories of us together, fishing, singing, and hours of storytelling. Beloved grandfather, reminiscence is cathartic.

Lesson in Gardening

My yellow squash died. Three of them I drenched until the cool of spring rotted their roots. I watered and they did not grow, and so, I watered more and more, for hours at a time each and every morn. Behind them, the zucchini went….

My love

My heart is missing you so much I know we will be together again I feel you so close to me   Just like you are right Here my love

The Mechanism (2017)

Lightning crashes Storm rages Flash The mechanism In the garden Bizarre Temptation presses Curiosity wins Explosion

Hour Seventeen Creation Mythology

17 2017 Creation Mythology Creation Mythology by Paul Robert Sanford Long time past, before the Big Bang myth scattered the stars and send cooling balls of matter to become planets and moons and the myth of evolution populated the water planet named dirt upon which…