
Would someone please help me find my keys?  I’ve looked in the living room, dining room, and on the kitchen sink. I have checked the bedroom, refrigerator, everywhere that I could think. Asked the dog, his head said no Asked the cat, but, well you know…

Alphabetic Anxiety Part 1

Alabaster skin may contribute to your surging popularity But it doesn’t define you. I Can’t even imagine why people would get so hung up on that stuff. Don’t they know how ridiculous it is? Even if you’re the most famous person in school, it will…

17 – last dance –

I watched as your heart broke, as love died, it was long day and a longer night, l’d never seen you more human, more vulnerable than those moments, your hard arsed exterior melted away, you truly loved someone more than yourself, I stayed close, as…

Losing Shit ~ a lost cliche

I’ve lost my books And my hat   I’ve lost my coat And my cat   I’ve lost my place Imagine that   I’ve lost my marbles One by one   The seventeenth hour has begun   I’ll lose my tenses As words steep  …


we finally ran out of summers you could keep in mason jars on your shelf and every time I remember something I am just remembering the last time I remembered it the last of the home-canned tomatos are emptied into the soup and it won’t…

Francis Marion State Park

My head is not the perfect fish body. You’re more than a tamarack, more than heat and hair and hostility toward your body. I’m more than a trip North, more than the finality of divorce, more than the name I wanted back so badly. Your…


8/5/17 10:19pm Black I’ve been bargaining for loss Switched it left to right The slight of hand Swapped a name in place of what could’ve been a grave. Still you’ve stayed just inside the edges. The finger-less gloves within one state either direction. You’re still…

Hour seventeen

Each year I write one prompt devoted to a cliché topic, previously these prompts have been focused on love, death, and angst. This year the challenge is to write a poem about loss that is not cliché. Respect By Patricia Harris Alone,  I trusted, Unconditional…

Achilles’ Flame

I saw him yesterday at the creek Talking with his mother As she gathered shells For his necklace. Achilles had many a flame. I was just one maiden, fair enough To have caught his eye At the celebration Of the solstice. More than me, he…

Prompt seventeen

I stare into the mirror Afraid of what I might find The angel on one shoulder Or the devil in my mind When the devil shows her heart I find it hard to look Because I know the angel quit An easy loss she took…