
Loss It came to me Unannounced, unwanted My wife it took with sure speed She died


There is no respect for saviours anymore. I was the one to push back the machines, the one to bring freedom to man.   But alas! When you are portrayed by Keanu Reeves of all people, there can only be one outcome. Ask Jonathan Harker….


Lawyer Soccer coach Girl Scout leader Umpire, Art teacher PTA auditor Arts Advocate Non-profit CEO Board director Referee Volunteer Room mom Academic Senator Secretary, committee Adjunct English professor TA Lecturer Law school Dean Partner Owner Time keeper Team Rep Manager One step Trip Fall Arrest…

Coffee with Hades (2017)

She sits at the table sipping her coffee, Periodically checking the time. Impatiently she taps her foot. Her drink nearly finished now. Just before the final sip he arrives, Black suit and tie neatly pressed. He spots her and waves. She scowls. “You look lovely…

lost and found

lost and found   I know it’s here somewhere – my self-respect. I left it here, in between the six pack, the extra large box of condoms, and the carton of jamochaalmondfudge ice cream.   So, if you happen upon it, toss it my way,…

She keeps me warm

And at the end of the day, isn’t that all that matters? Narrow-minded bigots are always sticking their noses In where they don’t belong, and it’s sickening. What No one seems to understand is why they even give A crap about something that doesn’t affect…


when I was 8 I lost my first tooth a milestone I looked forward to and celebrated with pillow talk and fairies and a quarter; if only every loss could be no more than a distraction for my tongue and an entry in my baby…

Weight-loss -17

New jeans, smaller in size, New shirts, to my surprise, New bras, frilly and nice, New lifestyle, at a cheaper price. It’s finally begun. I’ve finally won. I’ve lost the one one thing I never want to gain. Even if it’s a gigantic pain.