13. What If Everyone was Blue?

There was a little town filled with clowns All were blue and all were kind Everyone was good at making everyone laugh No kids cried ‘coz all the adults tried Making funny faces when someone cried They lived in houses of one kind Two rooms…

The Fateful Quest

Frodo knows his fateful quest He wonders if he can pass the test The task is great he grew to know The evil in the world did grow Each day the darkest covered more Frodo wished he did not know the score The ring he…

Prompt 15

“What is this?” She grabbed at his hand Splaying his fingers apart. She traced the fine red line Encircling his pinky Before removing her glove To reveal an identical String of fate.

12. She (99 words)

She arrived scared but not timid If enduring this turmoil is her calling Then, she will carry on like an ant struggling to stay afloat on a leaf The city was noisy, dirty, and the air was smelly People yelled everywhere, children constantly screamed The…

Are You Ok?

Big parking lots make me feel so lonely. So far from the street, so far from the sidewalk, so far from the bus stop. Tethered to nothing but the errand, I walk to my destination, certain of the possibility of being apprehended for breaking an…

Hour 16 – Prompt 16 – Cinderella

Persona Poem I remember my mother’s kind eyes, her voice And that keeps me going, when my bones hurt after a day’s work. I am up when the sun peeks out and I work till the darkness covers the Earth My step-sisters are off to…

Hour 15: The Fairies’ Origin Story

The Fairies’ Origin Story God created Lucifer to be an angel bright To stand at his right hand and serve him day and night But Lucifer sought power; glory, worship, fame To be a god himself was this fiend’s only aim He gathered angels to…

The Doctor

I have done this for a million years And have seen you live I have watched a planet die And another born. I have loved a woman in reverse Our timelines running to the other ends And through it all, I am here. Trust me,…

10. Colours of the Rainbow

Red – blood fresh out of a cut finger Orange – juice oozing out of a fruit Yellow – rays from the sun glaring down Green – stains from freshly cut grass Blue – as above so it is below Indigo – the special child…